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#1 Post by Beckvan »

Well 1 week from today I will wake up a different woman, I will additional fixtures. Things like wires, glue, metal, rubber in my mouth! OH BOY!!
So when I wake up on Friday from my Thursday appt. 5:00pm PST what am I going to feel like???? Huh???? am I going to want to get out of bed? or should I just pull the covers back over my head & lay there going Lord what have I done!!!
:shock: :?

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Hi beckvan,

Nice to see another babyboomer here (I picked that up on another thread). Maybe we should start an over 50's club.

What are you going to do next Friday? You're going to get out of bed and do what you would normally do. :)
Last edited by lionfish on Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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I AM!!

#3 Post by Beckvan »

I have to get outta bed?? you are a mean little kid :lol:
I can't stay in bed & bemoan the fact that I am now a brace face???
Fiddle Dee Dee.
I think an over 50 gig would be GREAT!!!

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#4 Post by lionfish »

Just acting in your best interests, dear! Heh heh 8)

You're going to get out of bed, cook yourself a great brekkie or - even better - have someone cook it for you, then go about your normal business whatever that is. MMMM......getting rather hungry at the thought of a cooked breakfast......pity it's already been and gone for today! Ha ha!!

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#5 Post by erik »

I am sure it is different for everyone....

For me, it was very odd. It was the strangest thing, to have a mouth that felt like I just ate a bunch of gunk that was still stuck in my teeth. I wanted to brush it all off...

So, initially you may feel your teeth with your tonge and wince! Ouch, the teeth are sore! Of course you may also think something like "what in the world have I done, was this really necessary?".

After you settle down a little, and hit the mirror, you may find yourself spending some time examining your new hardware and sore spots... Then you smile and think (at least in my case) who is that dork in the mirror??

While in front of the mirror you may start to figure out how to smile. It really effects your lips, so this is interesting. How much teeth should you show, do you pull your lips over the brackets or try to cover them a bit. You also notice that you will develop that telltale lip extension over brackets motion that gives away a brace face...

You may also take this time to see how close someone has to be to really see them. I have ceramics top and bottom, so my wife could see them up to about ten feet. At that distance she really could only see the arch wire glinting off of the light. Any farther and they are practically invisible (yay)...

Later in the day you may find yourself wanting to pull them out, or wishing you had taken the Invisalign route so that you could... After a wimpy moment, you will realize that your decision was fine and probably good that you cannot take them out (and prolong your treatment).

Throughout the day, you will forget about them. Then all of a sudden you become aware of them again, and feel them with your tongue and lips. I am sure this novelty will go away, but after four days it hasn't for me (yet)...

I guess, what I am trying to say, is that the first few days are really about exploration and coming to terms with the reality that you have committed yourself to. You also find out how self conscious you are!!

Anyway, as my wife says, just have fun with it, it will be over soon!


(waving from across the river again)

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#6 Post by Beckvan »

Ok I'll get up & get ready for work, won't have anyone make me breakfast because there isn't anyone else, not unless the cat grows thumbs & she does it for me, but ummm NO probably not!
I'm trying to stay positive & excited but anxiety is SOOOO setting in.
It has been a wee bit of a challenge just eating w/the spacers & then reading about food not tasting as good well I remember that very specifically from the 1st time around but I'll do just fine, I will do just fine!!

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#7 Post by iBorg »

Good luck.
The important thing is this is a procedure (most people on this forum refer to it as a journey) that hopefully will make a positive improvement for the rest of your life. As for your age, I understand. I'm 48 and am really a bit bothered I'm this old and doing something that kids do. Its also a bit self indulgent when you consider it.

As for wisdom (thanks to KK), this is what she was told from her ortho on the day she got her braces:

The best gift I got on that day ... was many wonderful words of advice ...

Don't let braces change your daily life ...
Let this be a positive experience ...
Braces don't stop you from doing things, you do that ...
Attitude is everything ...
"Call me tomorrow and let me know how wonderful the first 24 hours have been."

Finally take pictures before the braces, and pictures in the first two days with braces. When you get disgusted with the process, look at the progress shown in those pictures. Even after a couple of weeks, they’ll give you great encouragement.

Welcome to the board.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#8 Post by xtrememkovr »

Isn't it strange that excitement leads way to anxiety in a matter of mere seconds? Hang on to the feeling of excitement is my advice. Whenever I start to wonder what the next 2 years holds for me - I think back at my ultimate desire: nice straight teeth and being able to smile and hear "pretty smile" and believe it! maybe what you can do is remember some of the reasons you wanted to impart on this seriously demented journey (teasing) in the first place - type them up or print them up on lovely pieces of stationary and post them in places to remind yourself when times and discomfort gets bad. :)

come to think of it - I may just take my own advice and do that very thing!


p.s. and cat people are some of the most brilliant people there are - so I KNOW that you will not bury yourself under the covers and pout after brace day. that would be so unlike a cat person to do...! ;)

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#9 Post by Beckvan »

Hey xtrememkovr:
I think I will do that VERY thing! I'll put notes up to myself (like I don't have enough around the house already) & stay positive in this Journey. Only 2 more days!!!
That TOTALLY would be unlike a cat person to bury myself-but then it almosts because where I sleep, after I get out of the bed, the Cat seems to position herself RIGHT THERE!! Hence I am reminded every morning that I need to make haste & get out of bed so SHE can have her spot.
Your story is awesome!! & everything you are doing is the right thing & for the right reason. I am sooo proud of you!!!

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#10 Post by juf_84 »

after I get out of the bed, the Cat seems to position herself RIGHT THERE!! Hence I am reminded every morning that I need to make haste & get out of bed so SHE can have her spot.
Completely true! 'Casper' has been at my parent's house for all of three hours and he was already sitting on Mum's lap while she was chatting to me on MSN- like he had to be involved, and hello, it's his computer now!

There are so many cat people here!

Best of luck for tomorrow, Beckvan. Yes you will feel like hiding under the covers (I did) but once you get out there and SMILE you will feel so confident!
Banded 22 June 2006.
Debanded 24 July 2007.
Loving it!

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#11 Post by Ravishing »

Don't mean to change the subject at all but I have to jump in on the cat theme. My cat got very interested in my brushing & flossing routine once I got braces and its annoying!!
Every night Meow jumps up on the counter and rubs against me while I brush. He bats at the water coming out of the tap and gets mad when his paw gets wet. He then decides to bite the water. He gets a wet head, gets mad again and goes back to batting at the water. He splashes water everywhere and I have to wipe off the counter.
He now has his own glass of water on the sink because he started drinking out of the one I was rinsing with. I love him but I'm not that in to sharing with him!
Flossing has also become a challenge because Mr. Meow likes to play with string. Floss is just another toy in his furry little world!
By the time I'm wrapping up with a fluoride rinse I have a wet cat rubbing on me again looking for love and cat food!

The moral of my story is, your cat may not have thumbs but don't be surprised if s/he takes an active role in your oral hygene once you get braces! LOL

On a more serious note, life will go on after braces. It takes some getting used to but after a while its all routine and you won't even notice them.

Good luck and happy B day in advance :D
Was braced for all 9 months of my pregnancy and managed to keep fresh elastics on during all 26 hours of labor!!

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#12 Post by Wired1 »

Beckvan, what you are doing is a super wonderful thing just for YOU! You'll be amazed at how braces will have complete strangers talking to you because everyone wants to have perfect teeth, but are afraid to take the plunge. I've even spent 2 hours on the phone counseling my dentist's wife on getting braces... it's just such a kick!

And practically speaking, when you are done getting braced tomorrow, spend time in front of a mirror as Erik suggested. You'll need to figure out how to put your lips over your braces without causing wrinkles to your upper lip (moisturizer and lip balm are necessary). It helps to relax, let your bottom jaw drop, bring it slowly back up and see how your face looks. Then, go to a makeup counter and buy a new lipstick or lip stain to celebrate. I like the Neutrogena lip tints and Revlon ColorStay.

And make sure you include your cat tomorrow... show her your new jewelry! I can't tell you how indispensable my cat, Gwen, has become throughout my adventure. I had surgery first and she became #1 nurse right then and there. Even though it's been a year, she still insists on escorting me to the bathroom, to the sink and through the whole cleaning and flossing routine.

Warning: as Ravishing states, cats LOVE Superfloss! In order to get the flossing done, I thrown an empty package of wax across the floor for her to hunt.

And Beckvan... take lots of pictures (or have them taken). Wish I had, cuz you can stick them up to remind you where you came from.

Hey, no need to be nervous -- we've all been through it and survived. It's going to be so cool -- really! Please post as soon as you can login after your appointment!!!

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