I'll be moving to...

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I'll be moving to...

#1 Post by xtrememkovr »

THE BRACE STORY section!!! woot woo! Yup. It's official. After many many days of brackets and no wires - spacers and no bands - I'm officially a BRACED member. (waits for the applause to quiet down).

I am charging my batteries as I speak - and will take a few pictures and post over there with a new ticker and everything. *big grin*.

This is what happened at my appointment today:

I waited. Then I waited some more. And then I waited a while longer. And then... I waited a bit longer. Finally the DR came to my side with his gentle smile and bedside manner equivalent to Sir. Denzel Washington and said: So, Kari...are we ready to do this? I grinned back and said yes. I had brushed and water pik'd and applied a fresh coat of chapstick and had made my way earlier to the bathroom and I was ready for the first of many dates. He patted me gently on my shoulder - gave me a High Five and left. I knew I should have applied makeup, I thought to myself.

The D.H. came over to me with tools and chart notes and searched my mouth and then gave me the news I thought I would never hear. "You have no spacers/separators up here." I gulped. Then gulped again.
Those spacers in my upper molars had been in (or were suppose to have been!) for 20 days! I immediately thought back to the last days of toast and egg whites thinking that perhaps the crust had been the culprit. Maybe it was the snack mix I had had 2 days prior. I had carefully removed the pretzels and opted instead to suck and gnaw on the crackers and chex mix type snackies - but maybe that was too much for the spacers to bear. I thought about my oral b toothbrush and the intensity of the brush spinning against my teeth and thought maybe it was then that my spacers ran away. Or maybe it was the water pik. Confused I looked at her and she quickly reassured me that there might be space enough for the expander (the WHAT?!?) to go in. She would see. She also had to replace 3 brackets that had fallen off. At last count there were only 2 - so somewhere between yesterday and today another had bit the dust. As if getting a 70 on my math test yesterday wasn't bad enough - now I was flunking my ortho test as well. :( I didn't have time to ponder much though - because she was scraping off the old glue - placing the missing brackets back on the teeth and open bite open bite -ing the molars with the mean expander in to place. And then the wires were next. I tried to focus on where the spacers went to. Had I digested them the night before and missed their "return" that morning? Should I have been looking for them anywhere? The eggs had a certain crunch to them the night before - was that the missing bracket I had consumed over toast?

"Is anything poking you?" She asked after my pale pink ligs went on. "Nah uh, I sdon't sthink stho." I replied horrified at the speech pattern I had now adopted. "Then you are good to go - let me have the DR look at you before we leave." More handshakes all around - and I was out the door. Next adjustment in a month. The expander sentence is for 6 months "or so". My darling DR smiled as I left, but then compelled I turned around and spoke, "You know, DR." I said, speaking slowly so as to emphasize my disappointment in him. "You should really give flowers and take me out to dinner first before giving me such a gift as this lovely expander." He smiled - then laughed - then his face turned serious as the glare in my eyes pierced through his heart. "I'm thowwy, Kahwee. I will do bettah nexth time." He said.

My DR - the comic.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

SDFD TSchott
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#2 Post by SDFD TSchott »

lol sounds like you had an interesting time. I'm sure the speech will return to normal really quickly and I'm looking forward to reading more about your comic dr. and your trip to a new smile.

SDFD TSchott
Firefighter(s) Down


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
Braces off April 02, 2008

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#3 Post by gunter8888 »

Welcome to the braces club. Can I still welcome someone if I am not an official member yet? And, welcome to the expander club; a somewhat smaller club of which I am, in fact, a member. You have my condolences and best wishes on the expander. They are challenging little devices. Which type did they inflict upon you? As I am sure you have heard, you will get used to it and it wont be as bad as it is now.

Welcome and best of luck!
Expander in 8/9/06
Lowers on 11/30/06
Uppers on / Expander gone on 1/31/2007
Class III elastics added 3/14/2007
Expander #2 - 6/27/2007
20-24 months w/ fixed metal braces

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#4 Post by xtrememkovr »

SDFD TSchott - thanks. :) I'm hoping that you are correct. I read so many posts about others saying they sounded like idiots and thought to myself, "oh man - poor them - that sucks." only to find myself in that same position now! How Ironic Is that. Even funnier that I didn't know exactly what was planned for me until my DR sprung it on me like he was giving me a great Xmas bonus or something!! lol.

gunter8888 - you most certainly CAN participate and welcome me even though you aren't "official". Far as I'm concerned anyone is official the minute they set foot in the DR's office and consider braces. I just felt sort of like I wasn't in the club until the wires went on. Kinda like when I wore glasses in 7th grade with no glass in them cuz I wanted to be like the other kids who had glasses. LOL! Now about this other club that you are a member of - the EXPANDERS. um... Can I give you back my card yet? I have no idea what type this is. I don't know anything, really, gunter. Seriously. My DR is not the kind of guy to sit down and tell me all the stuff he has planned for me (that's why he's sleeping on the couch tonight) - and I have to get over my being shy and ask some questions. It's metal and it hurts. It seems really thin - but now my ears feel like they need to "pop" and I'm sure it's cuz of all this hardware in my mouth. He made a few little bends to it and stuff and I thought - how cute. Was I wrong. This little flimsy thing may see sweet and petite and cute - but it's deadly! ;)

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. (I have pictures up in the brace story section now... )

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

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#5 Post by dougwell »

Congrats xtremmkovr and guess what, WE HAVE THE SAME BRACE DAY!!!! We're twins ... LOL

Sorry that it didn't go so well. My story is a bit different but I will showcase that later in my own topic.

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#6 Post by xtrememkovr »

Dougwell!!! I KNEW there was a part of me that was missing all these years - I just knew it. And while I was getting braced, I thought I felt your pain, too - you know how twins sometimes feel what the other is going thru? You felt mine, too, right? SEEE????!!! (:) ) Congrats on your journey, too, sweets - and I will take a look at your post of your experience (even though I already know because - well - we're twins) and see how you're coming along. This should be fun! How do your teeth feel today? Any better? I think that actually mine feel a tiny bit worse! LOL!

Ken - thanks so much for your kind words. I kept reading them over and over yesterday and I just felt better. I've caught a bit of your journey as well - and being a patient of the the periodontist myself, I know that your words are VERY true. Taking care of my teeth in this way is so very important and empowering - even though it hurts right now I get pleasure knowing that I'm doing something REALLY great for my teeth/health and well being. Now the part about not recognizing myself ... isn't it strange how that can be both fear and relief provoking?!?

Oh - and gunter - I found out the name of my expander. His name is HELIX. :) 6 months he and I will be dating intimately. I did NOT respect him this morning - but he's probably going to "grow" on me before I even realize it.

X. (Kari)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

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#7 Post by xtrememkovr »

LOL! Ken ... ok. That's all. After such a post how could I resist. The avatar shall change to a happier face... Perhaps this afternoon I shall embark on THAT journey! lol.

Karen: My ortho office thinks I'm a nut. (they are correct). Even at the dentist while getting a deep cleaning I managed to keep my strange sense of humor. I'm usually very cheerful so it will be nice to have a body and "grill" (har har... grill=teeth in ebonics) that reflects my inner cheer and disposition, yes?

Ok - all. Have a great day! Thanks for the smiles, friendship and encouragement. I owe you all one great big gigantus hug.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

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