hellooo :) from Australia. some PICTURES and concerns. o_O

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hellooo :) from Australia. some PICTURES and concerns. o_O

#1 Post by yaz »

Well, I've been browsing this forum a little before I got braces just to find some facts and to read stories and to see other people's results, which I have to say are amazing. Then I kind of forgot about this site and went on with my life, getting used to braces. I'm 16, from Melbourne Australia and got my braces on the 25th of November 2005. So it's been 11 months nearly since I had them on. Well at first it was pretty painful and a little hard to get use to, but everyone experiences that. I couldn't even eat matshmellows and had to bite them with my back teeh, but chewing was pretty hard the first week or so. I also had one tooth extracted on the top and I'm pretty embarassed to say that I fainted after it got extracted. It wasn't the pain, just the whole shock of it all. Anyway, I soon became used to the braces and they didn't bother me..well not a lot anyway. The adjustments didn't cause me too much discomfort...so it wasn't such a hard ride. This month I missed 2 appointments because I was sick and when I showed up my ortho was all like 'You missed 2, don't you like us anymore? Why don't you like us? Well it's no good.' But then he told me 'Do you want to get these off?' It didn't really register in my mind and because he was doing stuff to my teeth still, I just nodded and then he said 'Are you sure?' I was supposed to wear braces 18 months at least so i just took what he said as a joke. But then he asked the assistants to make a debanding appointment for me. And i was still kinda in disbelief because he never mentioned anything about even thinking to take my braces off. And then i said to the nurse 'Well i was told that I'd wear them for 18 months.' and she said: 'Sometimes it happens quicker, it's cause he's good.' I was happy and all and my debanding is scheduled for November the 8th.

But then I looked at my teeth in the mirror and I have to say they are far from perfect and that scared me because my Mum didn't pay $5,000 for my smile not to be just right. As you can see in the first two pictures, I'm really worried about the gaps when I bite and overall my smile seems to look crooked. I hate it, and I want to be happy with my results, I want my teeth to be perfect or at least close to perfect. I talked to my Mum and she trusts his opinion because he's very experienced, but that doesn't make me convinced. Once they're off, that's it. I know I should probably need to talk to him, show him the pictures even. He did talk about filing ( i don't know the proper word for it) my bottom teeth at the very start of the treatment, but I don't know if he's gonna do that anymore.

I really want to have the results I was hoping for and right now I don't see them.

I'd really appreciate any comments on the pictures, any honest opinions on the look and position of my teeth and any advice. I'd be really grateful. Sorry, I can't show you any before pics. I took these and they aren't the best, but you know.. It's all I can do.
<33 Well thanks to any of you who took the time to read my ramblings.











Last edited by yaz on Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by Wired1 »


KK's advice is spot on. Don't get all worked up! Talk with your mum, put a "hold" on the debanding appointment and have a sit-down with your ortho, your mum and you.

First though, collect your thoughts and succinctly put them down on paper. Print out a dental chart from here: http://www.ada.org/public/topics/permanent_number.asp and make notes for each tooth or area that is questionable to you. What are your real areas for concern: a tooth that is not aligned properly? Teeth that do not appear to mesh correctly? Too much space? It went too fast? Whatever you perceive to be not quite right, right it down. Take it to your mum and then to the ortho. You are not being confrontational, you are being actively involved in your health -- a big sign of maturity!

Your mum paid for straight teeth and a functional bite, not just for braces. The ortho owes you real answers for each question you have (Mum bought his time too!) Take time to fully understand what he is saying -- have him repeat it or re-explain it if you don't understand. He is a professional, but he is a person too and can "take it" if you tell him that you feel his communication is not clear.

One big question you can and should ask is -- if he takes off your braces and then reevaluates your case and decides he needs to put them back on, who pays the bill for his mistake? I hate to say it, but my son's 15 year old friend just went through this and her parents were forced to pay for the new braces. If there is a doubt, he might want to leave them on until he is absolutely sure -- or guarantee that your parents won't pay again.

You've done the right thing coming here and asking for help. Please come back and ask if you have any more questions! And put your Mum online if she wants help!

-Vicky... aka Wired1

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#3 Post by yaz »

Thanks so much Vicky and Karen for replying. It means a lot. I'm just a bit scared about talking to him.. I don't want to sound as though I'm not pleased because I am, but not completely. I showed my Mum the pictures and she said the gaps, which I am talking about are reasonable, but she said she has no idea about this stuff, so I'm not too sure if I should trust her judgement. To her my teeth look pretty straight. I rather have the braces on longer, than make the mistake of not saying anything though.

My biggest concerns are those small gaps when I bite down. I'm not too good with those charts of teeth and do you reckon I can just show him the pictures and explain?

My Mum also plans to do it at the debanding appointment, but I don't think that's a good idea.

I also wonder how the treatment went so quick too. And I really don't want to be in the situation where I'd have to get braces again, I wouldn't be able to because we don't have another $5000 bucks lying around.

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#4 Post by Wired1 »

Hi again Yaz,

If you bought a new tv for $5000 and it didn't seem to show the color green, you'd ask about it, right? Maybe take it back? Same thing here. You're not sure that the outcome is what you should expect -or- accept. Maybe there's a simple explanation like retainers... but you need to know.

Your problem is that you aren't fully in charge here... but it's your mouth and you sense that things are not right. You have to live with it forever, so be a bit assertive with the grown ups in your world. But respectful!

You are being an informed consumer, not a troublemaker. A troublemaker is one who goes to the Australian Society of Orthodontists a year later to complain about the guy. You want to work with the ortho to prevent misunderstandings. I believe that any ortho would prefer to have this talk up front to defuse any potential problems.

And, you need to get past being scared of talking to the ortho. He's a service provider, doing what you've asked him to do. Just like the ice cream server. If they give you the wrong ice cream, you send it back. You are not saying that he has done a bad job, you are saying that it is not finished. Like they forgot the whipped cream.

Most assuredly, you can use the photos -- print them, circle what you're not happy with and use your words, but be precise. Is it a gap between the sides of your teeth or the space between the top front and bottom front -- see what I mean? Ask what will happen if you bite into an apple with these gaps...

One more thing: you shouldn't assume that when you arrive for a debanding appointment that he will have time to sit down and talk with you and your mum. You really need to call the office and either set up another appointment or ask that your existing appointment be made into a consultation. Offices schedule personnel for specific duties and the tech will be the one scheduled to see you. You could even fax the marked up photos in advance so they can see what you are concerned about.

I admire the fact that you are taking charge and asking questions. It's hard at your age to walk the fine line between respecting elders and professionals and sticking up for yourself. You can do both at the same time, this is what you are learning to do right now. And hey, if you don't want to say it yourself, print out our responses and hand them to your mum!

My boys are 15 and 17, and sometimes the thing that bugs them the most is the thing they don't highlight large enough for me to see. We're moms, not clairvoyants! Try again with yours... bet she'll get it.

(sorry for the lengthy reply)

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#5 Post by yaz »

No, no, no.. I loved reading it.. and you're absolutely right. I will get another appointment and hopefully he will answer all my questions. And I will definitely print the photos and ask him about the areas which I don't think are quite right. I'm a bit nervous, but I will get over it.

:) Thanks for your advice once again.

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#6 Post by yaz »

Also I found his e-mail address on his home page.. do you think it would be appropriate for me to e-mail him the pictures and circle the areas of my concern? I mean it couldn't hurt could it?

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#7 Post by Wired1 »

I think it could be a very good way to open the conversation. Now you're in the swing! The only concern is that you have a tech or admin answer your questions instead of the ortho, but if that's the case, then you can still ask for the consult, print the replies and ask in person.

At least if you get something in writing, you'll have back up in case of dispute. That's the next life lesson! :lol:

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#8 Post by yaz »

Yea, I did it. I took a while to edit the pics, but it was worth it.. hopefully. Fingers crossed, he replies soon..

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#9 Post by yaz »

Thanks Meryaten! Yea it's the gap between the front top 4 teeth and the bottom ones that's worrying me. I circled that in my email and hopefully he would be able to understand. And I do hope, it can be fixed with IPR. You sure know all the terms. :)

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#10 Post by M1k3y »

If you think you have major issues with your teeth right now then you must think my teeth are horrible. :lol: You're teeth look fantastic and I really don't see anything wrong with them. Good luck.
Braced 5-27-06 - 18 months with braces
Case 1 - minor crookedness
Envision Composite Brackets
M1k3y's introduction with photos
M1k3y's journey with photos

Debranded 3-20-08

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#11 Post by yaz »

Aw thanks M1k3y. Actually no, I just looked at you progress and it's been wonderful. And you can hardly see the braces too.

But i guess I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things like that.

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#12 Post by yaz »

I got a reply to my email from my ortho. I was surprised cause I didn't expect for him to reply so quickly. As you may know, I sent him an e-mail with an attachment, which included pictures and small explanations.

I also included these picture, which I haven't posted on here before. They are kinda similar though.





I told him about the gaps between the back teeth ^^


The ridges circled ^^


And that one of the teeth seemed higher than the other.

This is what he said. Should I be satisfied? Hmmm :?:

<b>"Hello [my real name],

Thank you for your photos and letter. The ridges on your teeth are due to wear before the braces went on and we usually straighten these edges at the time of deband (removing braces) to make them like new.

The little gaps between the teeth that you have photographs - some of them are normal (like the midline gaps) but the ones between the back teeth usually disappear once the teeth are given freedom to establish their contacts once the braces have been removed.

The one tooth being higher than the other I need to check as this can be due to different gum levels (which is nt controlled by orthodontic treatment) or different wear amounts (also not orthodontic). I will check this on the 8th of November.

11 months versus 18 months - I am also surprised how quickly your teeth have moved, but usually there is no need to hold them there longer of they are in the right place. I will not take you braces off on the 8th of November unless youa and I are completely happy for them to come off. let me see them on the 8th and if there is anything that needs to be touched up I will continue with braces for a little longer.

Once again thank you for your concerns,

[his name]"</b>
Last edited by yaz on Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#13 Post by yaz »

I was also wondering about this.
See the tooth without the bracket, it doesn't seem in line with the rest of the bottom arch and it looks out of place. Is that how it's supposed to be?



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#14 Post by yaz »

Glad that I reminded you.. I just wish that I mentioned or noticed these things earlier and not towards the end of my treatment. Now I have so many questions to ask! Hope you'll get an answer too.

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#15 Post by Lisa65 »

Hi yaz
My second molars are like that too, and they just got bracketed at my 3rd adjustment a fortnight ago. Your ortho might bring them in later too, or else if they're not affecting your bite he might leave them alone.

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