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#1 Post by Hawa »

Hey ppl!

Im new to this forum and think its great that theres so much info for ppl wanting to know more about braces, so to those that set up and who contribute, Thanks!!

Well i dont have as bad a problem as a lot of ppl. I was offered orthondist treatment in my teens and for a variety of reasons didnt take it! (when I should have).

Now im ny early 20's and due to a slight improper bite - my top and bottom teeth dont join therefore cant bite things as simple as a sandwich!! I can eat Thank God but I end up for e.g. biting the slices of bread away with the filling, lettuce, tomatoes, etc in between because my teeth dont join and the filling hangs between my teeth and ppl think i dont know how to eat :( And then there was the confidence issue, never liked my teeth, youd be lucky to find me in a pic with my mouth open, cover my mouth when I laugh etc. All self-concisous, when I shouldnt be really,

So I finally plucked up the courage a while ago to get my teeth checked out, Was referred to an orthodondist and hes fine. He gave me an outline of how itl work out, time fr ame, etc.Its been a few months now that I havent got back to him, because I just couldnt decide!!:Questions:

ive finally finally (after annoying friends and family after discussion after discussion) decided to get it done YaY!!

Know I dont know what to do next! Ive only had a consultation with one orthodontist and I like him, shall i stick with him or go through the hassle of yet more waiting for appointments, getting the cast for my teeth etc (all this has been done)???

I dont know wether to fork out another £160 and get another 2 condultations and wait longer, or just go ahead with this one!! Im at Uni and a frend told me I could possibly get part of the costs paid for from the NHS (Anyone know if that is true?) So if i stick with the orthodontist I have at the moment il get more of money back :)

But then whats more important saving money - (getting a good consultation) teeth - money - teeth....???

U see my dilemma?

btw have to warn you guys i invented paranoia


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#2 Post by karebear46168 »

I only went to one ortho, and I am going with him (he was recommended by my TMJ dentist). Like KK said, if your gut says it's good & you like him then go for it!

Can't wait to hear your story.

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#3 Post by Hawa »

KK - thanks for the advice! wel since this is only my 1st consultation, i dont have anything to compare it to. but I liked him, he listened to myconcerns, hes friendly and seems to take everything I tell him in stride and with a politeness and professional manner. Ive just had dentists in the past that are quite abrupt and not very friendly!

My dentist initially suggested another Ortho- which was quite far so then I got referred tothis one so dont know wether I should go for another consultation?? thing is I take aaagees making my mind up :(

Karebear - have you started your treatment yet?

[quote] I only had the one consult. My now treating ortho met all my expectations in terms of professional diplomacy yet down to earth attitude, treatment plan, cost and most importantly, ability to communicate and answer every and all my Q's at the initial consult. I walked out feeling very much at ease about getting braced [quote]

Linda - Thats exactlyhow I feel - at ease - felt! when I met him. Ive had 2 appointments. Now reading other ppls stories im being to reconsider having another orthodontist consultation. I have their website if anyone could offer further advice http://www.linksorthodontics.co.uk/

Id really appreciate feedback if you can guage from the website if theyre any good and what I should do next.

- Seek out more orthodontist?
- stick with the one I have?

I just dont want to end up unhappy with how the treatment works out in the end. and think when it all ends, "woe to me! i should have had another consultation!"

Thanks for all your lovely comments and support. Will keep you posted!

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#4 Post by macca »

Hi Hawa,
Well done for taking the plunge and deciding to get orthodontic treatment. That's the major hurdle over with.

If you have any doubts at all about the ortho you have already seen than I would recommend you seek out other consultations, especially if you are not entirely happy with the treatment plan the he has set out for you. From other threads on this site it is apparent that different orthos can achieve the same results in different ways, so you have a free choice.

If you are a full time student I think it may be possible to get your treatment partly/fully funded by the NHS, so long as it is by referral from your dentist. I don't think though (being the NHS) they will cover the ceramic 'invisible' type brackets. Also the ortho may limit appointment times with NHS patients, but whatever, it's not too bad compared to paying all the treatment cost!

Hope it works out OK.

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#5 Post by Hawa »

Macca, thanks for the advice.

I dont have any major doubts about the ortho, and after talking with a friend who has AMAZING :D teeth. She also just went to one Ortho - but I think am going to stick with the one I have and go for it!

When i discussed with the Ortho he didnt say they were the invisible ones so il wait till I see him to make sure.

Will ring them on Friday and make an appointment!*Deep Breath*

Thanks everyone for all your comments.

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#6 Post by Hawa »

I finally called up the Ortho's and made an appointment after putting it off for so long! :)

My brace-date is 21 Feb!aaaggghh

I'll be getting both top and bottom braces on the same day, reading other ppls stories ive seen some ppl get both on the same day, some dont. Is it better to have it seperate, my friend who had them said its more painful if you have it all at once. but my ortho gave me a choice and I thought 'What the Hey! I might as well get it done together!' is it painful to the point of being unbearable???

And im gonna take Karens advice and start rinsing with Salt water to prepare.....

Braced in 41 days :shock:

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#7 Post by Hawa »

Thanks for all the advice KK, I really dont know what Id do without this AMAZING forum.

My Friend had braces about 4 years ago and I was talking to her about it again recently and she was saying how much hers hurt but I managed to let her see the other side and tell her how everyones been telling me it shouldnt hurt. Hopefully thats true!

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#8 Post by BracedBelle »

I don't have any great advice that hasn't already been mentioned, but I did want to say that I had my tops and bottoms put on separately and I would rather have gone through it all at once. Just when I was nice and comfortable with my tops and feeling pretty good, I went and got the bottoms on. I had to deal with tenderness, liquid and soft foods, etc. all over again.

FYI - I did not have a choice of getting them all on together due to severe TMJ problems. They would have had to completely knock me out to do it!

Congratulations on making the decision and starting this journey! Can't wait to hear how it goes :D

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