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#1 Post by jazzbone42 »

First: Please excuse my poor spelling...I'm dyslexic.

Finally, at the age of almost 24 (only 53 days away, w00t!) I am getting braces along with an implant. Braces go on Tuesday at lunch! I figure if I'm living in California for a while might as well do what I need to get the figure & smile. ;)

Growing up I was told that my theeth weren't so bad that I would need braces & I was missing one adult thooth. My dentist was in a small Texas town, he doesn't even have the digital x-rays. We kept that baby with a small filled cavity in until it decided to desenigrate durring summer school when I was 17. (I was in summer school for fun...I'm a nerd.) My parents didn't want to pay for a bridge or an implant cause their insurance wasn't going to cover much, I was about to start university & they still had my other sisters at home (at that time 2 & 14). I've talked to my parents & grandparents but nobody knows of anybody else missing adult theeth, so I'm a freak, lol.

Now that I've been working for a year & have disposable income (yay for scholorships & no college debt!) I'm taking care of myself! I went in for a cleaning & my impant consolt when they suggested that I get braces. I had always wanted them cause I have some overlaping in the front, and now it would also help with the impant since my theeth had moved some over the past 7 years. I don't mind looking like a nerd/geek cause I am one & have been proud of it since middle school (go Band & computers)!

Now all I have to do is pick my colors....should I do alternating purple & yellow for LSU pride or top blue & bottom red to match the company logo on my cycling jersy? I know I'm being silly! :jokerlaugh: (Do you need mouth guards for cycling?)

-Mairin :squareteeth:


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#2 Post by thesallymonster »

Hey, you're getting braces the same day that I get spacers! Just thought I'd mention that :) Good luck (to both of us!), and let us know how it goes!
*The Sallymonster*




Now in elastics, too! Since 2/25/09.

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#3 Post by chicklets »

Welcome, Jazzbone, and congratulations for taking the plunge.

Just wanted to say that my son, who is 14, has TWO missing adult teeth. He is missing the laterals (teeth just on either side of his front teeth). After talking to a few family members, it turns out it is a hereditary trait that has popped up in a few cousins here and there. Very odd I think but not odd to the orthodontist.

Anyway, my son had his baby laterals and baby eye teeth pulled to allow the adult eye teeth to come down. Braces are pulling everyting into position so that in time he will probably have implants too. His other option is wearing a retainer with false teeth attached which two cousins have chosen instead of implants (much less expensive), and I must say they look very natural. My son has been in his braces for over 2 years already (took forever for those adult eye teeth to come down), but hopefully it won't be too much longer. He's been a great sport about the whole thing, and now that I'm starting my own brace process, he makes fun of me -- lovingly of course. :lol:

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