6 Months Down(With Pic)

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6 Months Down(With Pic)

#1 Post by jamie315 »

Well its been 6 months since I have been braced. I have my good days, and then their are those days when I just want to rip them out. Thank god I have seen such progress, it keeps me encouraged. I had my upper lateral braced about 2 months ago after having a spring in for 3 months. It has moved tremendoulsy in that time, but its not quite there, but hopfully at my next appt a stronger wire will be put in. This is kind of the frustrating period right now, with this lateral trying to work its way in, the other teeth are angled or tipped to one side(as you can see from the picture). Although I know they have to look worse before they can look better, im sure once everything settles into place I will be very happy . My next appt is on March 21, at that appt, impressions will be made of my tops and bottoms, so they can look and see how things are going and to figure out which bottom tooth needs to be extracted(if any), then finally soon I can get my bottoms on. So thats exciting. Well Ill probably be posting again in a couple weeks, untill next time guys.


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#2 Post by victor36 »

Hi, Jamie! great pic!

Both of my laterals are currently hiding behind springs:

so if my teeth could look as good as yours do, then that gives me encouragement! Hope everything goes well with your impressions.

~Victor :tingrin:
B-day: 02/06/07
Adjustments: 04/03/07, 05/30/07, 07/25/07, 09/18/07, 11/15/07, 01/10/08, 03/04/08, 05/08/08
Debonding: 07/01/08
18 month prognosis
Actual Treatment Time: 1 year, 4 months, 25 days
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#3 Post by Thumbellina »

:shock: My, what white teeth you have :D Looks fabulous!

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Re: 6 Months Down(With Pic)

#4 Post by bracesafter40 »

Nice, any b4 pics?
Bridge Sectioned: Feb. 14, 2007
Last Pre-braces cleaning: Feb. 20, 2007
#21 Extraction: Feb. 20, 2007
Sentenced: 32 months
Top Braced: Feb 28, 2007
Bottom Braced: Apr. 4, 2007
New Ortho on Apr. 25, 2008
May 6; fluorescent blue ligs incl. upper powerchains. 2 elastics; Sept. 2, 2008.
Next Adj.: July 7, 2009 at 8:30a

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#5 Post by onny »

I had the same frustration phase after getting braced and see no progress with the first loosy wire. It felt like having no effect at all, now with the new wire I even can share the experience of wanting to rip them out, the pain was not fun anymore. Btw I know I'm a color addict, but with your nice ceramics you really should add some glow effect with colored ligs, that will enhance you mood when you look in the mirror, don't be shy, make the best out of it ;)

Best wishes
Sep03/2007 6th adjustment.
Nov08/2006 was B-day!
36 month top and bottom metal. All 8 molars banded now. Bioprogressive technic and HG some day.
My Braces Journey Blog.

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