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!!! BRACES 2 DAYS AFTER MY 21st !!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:34 pm
by siui6
hey guys...

Im going to be getting braces put in on the 8th of may. went to a dentist earlier in the year for a check-up n had some fillings done.asked him about braces too coz i have a rotated upper incisor n otherwise my bottom teeth need to be straightened. so he said he would do it..he not referring me to an orthodontist
:shock: is this common tho? anyway, im getting full metal coz he said that ceramics would be R2500 more n my medical aid wudnt cover it.. n also iv read here that it stains quite easily and takes longer..
my treatment plan is looking at 9-12 months, im very self conscious about getting them, i havnt had them before :? but its great to have found this website, i feel much better knowing im not the only one and evryone seems so friendly n motivating :D[/b]

same bday

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:52 pm
by e^jtheta
Hey, we're getting braces on the same day...


Re: same bday

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:22 am
by siui6
[quote="e^jtheta"]Hey, we're getting braces on the same day...

hehe kewl :) r u jus as nervous as i am? what work r u getting done and for how long? strange that we half way across the world from each other but we are in a similar situation :shock:

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:27 am
by siui6
oh.. n KK u r too sweet :) thank u!

well i found out that this dentist has done alot of braces so my mind is at ease that im not sum sick experiment! :P

how do u get those timeline thingies? i also want one!!

thanx agen!

New Braces....

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:27 am
by LuvBug26
I have my bottoms on and my tops will be ceramic ones which are clear so as they do not show as much as metal ones do. I like KK know there are some ligs that stain but most not too bad! good luck! :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:26 pm
by jennielee81
No ... ceramic brackets don't stain. I've got four of them ... and I eat spicy curry with haldi (tumeric) powder, at least three times a week, and they're the same colour as the day they were put on my teeth. Some coloured ligs can stain ... for example I turned blue ligs green after one curry ... but they're the same ligs that are used on stainless brackets.
I had 6 ceramics and they didn't stain. This is, as KK said, the fact. I never had ligs on mine so I didn't even have the illusion of staining. I can assure you, the material ceramic brackets are made from is not prone to staining!

I wish you well in your treatment and all! 9-12 months doesn't sound bad!! I had mine for 21 months...belive me, once you've gotten used to having them, the time doesn't really seem that bad! Oh!! and the outcome is completely worth it!!

Good luck!!