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Newcomer, 21/m getting Braces 6/06/07... wheres the gun?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:44 pm
by jamesh1985
Heya, So I'm finally getting braces June sixth. I need them badly, ever since a child but money was always an issue. 21/m/va so the dating life is going on the shelf for 18-24 months. I got spacers put in 2 days ago and its very annoying, I find myself biting my teeth alot to relieve some pain.

They are going to cost 4k. My insurance does not cover adult braces, So its going to be metal top and bottom I think. The only thing I am worried about is my teeth are very tight (spacers took forever) So I'm thinking they will have to extract one or 2.. will this be the same day as the braces?

I'll get some pics soon for progress. BTW this site is a big help, thanks. Cant wait to hear for yall.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:47 pm
by cwatt1
Welcome to our ranks! I too am new at this; I'll get braced on July 12 unless something happens between now and then to prevent it.

I'm not real experienced at this, but my understanding is that if you do need to get extractions, your braces will wait at least a little while for some healing to take place.

Hang in there on the spacers, and remember they're only going to be there for a short while.

Best of luck from Northern Illinois!! :D

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:13 pm
by jamesh1985
well, I went last november for x-rays etc.. and he said he might have to do an extraction. Well I have enough now to get them so I called, and we took more x-rays, did the plaster mold mouth thingy, and added spacers, I'm guessing since she didnt say anything that we dont have to, but it will be someone else applying the braces. Guess I'll find out whats going on on the sixth :P

thxn though
its not rude btw

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 9:18 pm
by jennv88
Hi James! I am new to this braces thing (just got them yesterday, top and bottom) I too need some extractions (3 as a matter of fact)but my Ortho and regular dentist who is doing my extractions like to do it this way:

Put on brackets and wires skipping the teeth to be extracted.
Wait 2-4 weeks for some movement and loosening to take place.
Extract the teeth.

Seems the movement of the other teeth help the extra ones "pop" out easier.

If you have questions about your treatment plan, call your Ortho's office. They should be happy to help clarify things for you.

Good luck!