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Posts: 42
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:13 pm
Location: Illinois


#1 Post by Chaim9778 »

Hi everyone, I just found this site today. Where have you been for the past 18 months??? This is so cool. It's hard to explain the daily problems of braces with others who have no idea what it is like. I've had mine on for roughly 18 months and they should be off in July (I'm hoping) Talk to everyone later :lol:


#2 Post by Guest »

Welcome Chaim. You will be out of braces long before me. How's it going for you?

Posts: 42
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:13 pm
Location: Illinois

#3 Post by Chaim9778 »

It was pretty rough in the first 9 months or so because I had to wear expanders in the roof of my mouth, and under my tongue. They made me lisp horribly. All was well for another 4 months or so and then I had to start wearing rubberbands and they almost killed me. I've adjusted to them fairly well though. How is your treatment going so far?


#4 Post by Guest »

Going pretty good. I have a small overjet, TMJ, uneven bite and mild crowding. Most of the braces were put on 11-17-04. I had four gold crowns bracketed yesterday (first molars). I can tell I was at the orthodontist's office, but don't feel so bad I cannot eat. They chose Damon 3's for me so that they can expand the arch without having to use expanders - I don't need much.

The assistant had a hard time opening the sliding doors on my Damon 3's yesterday. She let the orthodontist open 3/4 of them. He even had some difficulty. I think that difficulty may have made him decide to put Innoation brackets on the gold crowns - or maybe the Innovation has a larger foot print, so they can get more adhesive on it...

I am really pleased with how my bite is improving. The orthodontist did say I would be in elastics later during treatment.

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