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SARPE survivo... err... more like sufferer, lol ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:50 am
by DotCat
Hello everyone,

I have been trying to register with the forum for a while, but it did not accept my email, so I finally obtained another one that is acceptable for the system :)

I am 25 years old Czech girl suffering from Crouzon syndrome, who decided to get her face finally corrected and started with maxfac treatment.

I had my SARPE surgery at 14th September and am still turning the screw, for 7 mm total planned widening as preparation for my 2nd surgery, the dreaded bi-max. I will also get fully braced in 2 months, when the RPE comes off.

Oh, and please excuse my english, I am not native speaker.

Oh, and I also put up a blog about the whole thing at:

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:57 am
by AMinTX
Wow. I checked out your blog, I can't believe that is not incredibly painful! I can't wait to follow your progress and see your final result!


Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:25 am
by DotCat
Thank you. It is not as painful as I expected and I am a big coward and crybaby usually, so it really is not as horrible ;)

I have some weak moments, mostly when the doctors decide that I need some additional procedure or something like that, but that is mostly because I hate "not knowing what is happening with me". The worst part ever were the microfractures, but since then, everything seems to go quite well.