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5 days and counting.......

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:10 pm
by Detective Foxtrot
It's been 5 days and I've been through the mill! Got them on last Thursday, which was ok, but on Friday the pain was excruciating... why does nobody warn you about Day 2?? :yikes: Once Day 1 was over I though I was home free and wondered what everybody was talking about when I heard stories of 'pulling them off with a pliers' (yes a friend of mine actually did that!!) and feeling like you were beaten up with a baseball bat. Then 'Day 2' arrived and I began to realise they were NOT exaggerating, however I managed to leave the pliers in the toolbox! :lol:

Although the real pain has abated my cheeks are now totally chafed and eating is a misery (I've lst 2 pounds in 5 days, and I'm not in the market to be losing weight). Today I laughed hard at something in work and as I was smiling widely my cheeks hooked onto the wiring in my mouth - it was excrucuating :cry: ah well - only 23 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days to go.... :shock:

at 28 yrs of age I don't need this!! also my front 2 teeth are very crooked so intially my ortho could not attach the wire to the bracket, so to make the aesthetics even worse the wire is sort of hanging out there in 'no mans land' under my top lip, making speech very difficult and embarrasing.... :oops:

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:55 pm
by mabelle
aw. poor you. I also couldn't really eat my first few days. I also just got mine on within the last week. it was painful the first 2 days but i didn't even think about pliers! :lol: I just kept looking forward to seeing results!

anyway, welcome!

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:44 am
by Drama Queen
Ahh poor you. But believe me it does get easier, it may not seem like it now but it will!

Lau xx

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:57 am
by SolarFeline
May I say "trust me, it DOES get better'? :D And, your teeth WILL look WONDERFUL in days to come?

Remember, use wax when there are stray wires or something hurts, and keep yourself well-watered!

When you have mouth ulcers, use Kenalog at night, and Bonjela during the day before you leave home to go to work, etc. These will clear up the pesky things in a day or two.

Take it easy and look after yourself after you have had an adjustment. Eat soft foods (eg soups, custard, junket, jelly) for a day or two after the adjustment. I would always be "Ms Cranky Bum" (Darling Partners name for me) for a day or two after an adjustment. Then, my mouth wouldn't feel so bad any more, and I just got on with it! And, kept looking at the mirror to see the movement in my teeth!

Hope this helps!

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:53 am
by loulou123
It will get better i promise :D ive had my braces on for 20months (ish) now and i was a similar age to you when i started this fun filled journey! :shock:

I know in the 1st few days you think your never get used to them, but you really will and the dya will come when you barely think about them anymore and they just become almost part of you. Make sure you keep drinking plenty of fluids, as i find my braces only attack my cheeks in the way you said if im abit dehydrated.

If youve got any questions please feel free to ask, and good luck

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:04 am
by Detective Foxtrot
I really need to get used to drinking water - I know it sounds silly but I don't drink a lot of water, never have (weird, I know)....

I was in a meeting today doing lots or talking and all of a sudden my mouth seized, all trace of saliva had diappeared, and my teeth/brackets fused with my inner mouth, and then there was a weird smacking noise as I tried to cotinue to talk. It wasn't sore but I had to stop talking - so embarrasing..... :oops:

However I now have a glass of water here beside (sent my husband in to get it after just reading your advice! :wink: ) and I'm sipping away!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:55 am
by vixi
Hi Detective Foxtrot

I am day 2 today and yes I have pain in one tooth mainly, and cannot eat and do need to lose 2lb !! lol so I am hoping to lose a load of weight .

I am having oppo prob with to much saliva, I am having to wear a removable brace for 6 months on a plate , very hard to get used to feels like you have got something in your mouth and if you open your mouth it will fall out, but it dosent as it is clipped around my top teeth.

And yes I was o it's only 18 months , now its on 18 months seems like a bloody long time

I will be doing some staff training soon, and will definitly be taking it out as I sound like I have a serious speech impedement

Although it is encourging knowing people are saying you will get used to it :)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:49 am
by Detective Foxtrot
a removable bracket? sounds too tempting - I'd be taking it off all of the time! One good thing about permanant braces is that there is no going back!! :shock:
the pain in your tooth should go in 2 days, my pain is totally gone now but my teeth do feel a bit loose! I'm dreading my first adjustment in 4 weeks


Back to separators today

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:41 am
by wiredgrin
:evil: Hello all, I am scheduled to have my second set of fun with the little evile orthodontic donuts today and then 2 weeks after the long chair ride to make my grin stainless steel for three years. Yikes, here we go. All the best to everyone here and stay away from the tool box with the pliers right? :shock: