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Jr in university - just started

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:41 pm
by mgundevia
Hi everyone,

Great forum first of all! Love it - so much info that I have read as a guest that I decided to join.

I just got my spacers removed after 2 weeks of intense pain (initially only though) and just got my palette expanded on the top. Wow talk about initial pain when the doctor tightened it. I have to tighten it once every week for 4 weeks. Its basically impossible to eat again (kinda started eating with the spacers towards the end) and almost impossible to talk since the expander limits my tongues movement. I fear I might be developing a lisp.

Well good news is that I dont have to see the ortho for 4 more weeks yay.



You are on your way!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:26 pm
by wiredgrin
Hey there MG, welcome to our club of metal moth horrors! :roll:
Sorry you are having a rough start after separator pain too, yikes. I bet you will start to work out of the lisp maybe after some time goes by? Hope so or else Daffy Duck might have some competition? :P Not to worry, you have plenty of company here to support you through it so keep us posted will ya? I just got back from my second set of separators and they have not been fun but my banding date I think will be moved one day closer :shock: to the 25th looks like. I am having metal uppers and lowers both, with molar build-ups and two fixed habit appliances so you can get me back I bet when I emerge from the orthodontists backroom unable to sound as good as you or Daffy! :shock: :!: Am I nervous? This is my first time in braces so you bet, but I will try and make the best of it as you have? Check back often! Good Luck until we hear from you again. Soon to be metal mouth here... :roll: :cry:

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:59 am
by mgundevia

I actually am getting better in talking. The lisp is slowing going away - but if I have to talk a lot then its drool city and the lisp comes back in a much heavier dose.