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My time is now!

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:46 pm
by ckrobyn
Hi everyone, my name is Robyn and I am about to get braces for the first time. I'm 41 years old and have finally decided that a beautiful smile is what I want, and need.
I have explored various options over the years and even tried Invisalign about 7 years ago, it wasn't a treatment that worked for me because I was non compliant and had them out more than they were in! I have decided to go with the Power Prox Six Month Braces. Prior to making the decision, I did a lot of research on the internet and the real challenge was actually locating a dental professional in Canada that could actually do the treatment! Apparently Six Month Braces are very popular in the U.S, but there are only 8 dental professionals in the whole of Canada who know how to do them! I was fortunate to find one about 45 minutes from my home.

Today was my consult and as it turns out I am a good candidate for it! I will not need any teeth extracted :D I'm really happy about that! I have one more restorative appointment with my dentist (fillings and cleanings) and then I will be ready to have the braces put on. I will admit that I am a bit nervous about the "discomfort" - so I'm hoping someone will read this and give me some reassurance!!! Is anyone on these boards familiar with the Power Prox Braces, or currently has them on? I would love to hear from you.

I have lurked on this site for a while and have now joined officially! I look forward to sharing my journey with everyone :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:01 pm
by Luella
Hi ckrobyn! Welcome to ArchWired! I don't have any info about Power Prox Six Month Braces, but I'm glad you're here- surely someone knows something about it! LOL! I look forward to following your story! Got any pics?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:07 pm
by ckrobyn
Thanks luella - I appreciate the warm welcome :lol:

I have pictures that my ortho took (with the thingys that keep your mouth open so they are horrendous!) I don't have them on the computer, only the hard copy. Truth is, at the moment I despise my teeth so I am not ready to show them to anyone......they are not horribly crooked, but I do have a bit of an overlap with my 2 front teeth that I am self conscious about. In fact my Ortho says that whether I realize it or not, I am covering my teeth with my lips when I talk - since he mentioned it, I now notice that it is in fact something that I do subconsciously :?

I will post pics once the braces are on and I see some change - but right now I am too embarrassed :cry:

Question for you - what are bite guards??????? I'm freaked out.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:50 pm
by shoezy

Hello ckrobyn,
~Welcome to AW~
It's nice to have you. There's relief for every discomfort I say... :dance:
may take time to get used to, but it will come around; hope to read your blog and of course, photos!



Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:35 pm
by ckrobyn
Okay, so I called the Ortho's office today to ask a few more questions - specifically about something that was on the braces information sheet I was given yesterday (which I have already read at least 10 times!!) I was wondering what "bite guards" are? I'm still not 100% sure what they are, so if anyone has the answer I am all ears :shock:

The date has been set - I will get my braces on (both top and bottom) on Wednesday July 9th. I'm mildly freaking out, but I will not turn back. I have wanted straight teeth my whole life and to actually be able to smile without putting my hand up to cover my mouth will be an incredible experience.

I am now obsessed with teeth. Not just my own, but everyone else's too! I met a woman tonight (age 50) that has had braces since Christmas so I was able to ask a lot of questions about the pain factor. Luckily her experience has been good, and although she had some tenderness and discomfort for the first week, she said it was not what she would call pain. I feel somewhat relieved, but if I expect the worse and it ends up being okay - then I am that much further ahead, right? :wink:

I am looking very forward to chatting with everyone on here and I am so glad that I found this website!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:38 pm
by Flaka
Welcome ckrobyn!

I have heard of power braces but have never known or seen anyone with them and it looks like you will be my first :)
I am also obsessed with tother people's teeth now ...before the braces I didn't pay so much attention.

Good luck on your brace day and congratulations on making the decision.

Looking foward to follow your journal.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:45 am
by ckrobyn
Thanks Flaka - I have been considering braces for YEARS but always chickened out in the end. I just keep thinking about the amazing smile that awaits me at the end of my treatment :lol:

The Power Prox 6 month smiles technique is quite popular in the U.S, in fact if you do a Google search with those terms you will see how many dental professionals have been trained to do it. I had a hard time finding someone in Canada as it hasn't caught on quite as quickly.

I chose this treatment because of the shortened time I would need to wear braces, and also because I am not looking to correct anything except my smile. I may have a bite that isn't perfect, but it causes me no issues, no pain, no trouble chewing. If I were looking to have the perfect bite you can be sure I would be wearing braces for a lot longer than 6 months!!! :shock:

I will keep posting on here and eventually get a pic or two up.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:18 pm
by ckrobyn
I had my 2nd visit with the Ortho today - this time for impressions/molds and some x-rays.

I found out I do not need bite guards or molar bands which I think is good news!

Brace Day is July 9th and I am looking forward to it! :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:26 pm
by ckrobyn
Meryaten wrote:Powerprox uses regular braces and regular orthodontic techniques, but the timeline is shortened as the focus is primarily on the aesthetic of the anterior teeth. I'm not saying that no work is done on the bite, but it's not the priority and often complete correction of the bite is not attempted. If you're just in this for cosmetics, then it's OK - and in my opinion (and bear in mind here I am not a dental professional) a far better cosmetic option that just grinding the teeth down and slapping on a set of veneers! But if you want the best, most healthy bite possible, then Powerprox is generally not the way to go.

Another caveat is that it is offered by dentists, not orthodontists. So the choice here is to have your teeth moved by someone who has learned this process in a short course of a couple of days (or even via a correspondence course - a "Seminar-In-A-Box") rather than someone who has done an advanced degree in the study of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. Quite simply, these Powerprox docs generally do not have the training and diagnostic experience of a regular orthodontist.

I hate to seem so negative, since Dr. DePaul seems like a great guy (a long time past, he was a regular and extremely helpful poster here) but I just want people to be aware of what Powerprox is about, and the limitations and risks inherent in choosing this route.
Thanks for your input on the Power Prox technique. Trust that I am not going into this blindly, and have done my share of research.

Regular orthodontics is not the route I want to go or need to go. I have no "bite" problems and no jaw problems/pain - all I have are crooked teeth I want straightened. If I had any of the previously mentioned issues I would be seeking a solution through an orthodontist.

I don't think you are being negative, I think you are simply bringing forward the reality of this particular braces technique. I have found an excellent dental professional that I like and trust, and I have had the opportunity to meet several of his patients (past and current) some of whom are wearing his braces. Each one of them is thrilled with the result.

My goal is 6 straight teeth on the top, and 6 straight teeth on the bottom. That's it all that's all, and I'm going to get it in 6 months! :D

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:39 am
by Quirky Girl
Welcome Robin! I believe that TsuKata had the Power Prox Six Month Braces. You could try sending her a pm for more information. Good luck on your journey.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:57 pm
by ckrobyn
Quirky Girl wrote:Welcome Robin! I believe that TsuKata had the Power Prox Six Month Braces. You could try sending her a pm for more information. Good luck on your journey.
Thanks Quirky! I will look her up and see if I can find her. It's always nice to chat with someone that has gone through the same process!

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:55 am
by ckrobyn
Hi everyone!
Yesterday was my final visit to the dentist (last filling and cleaningA) before my braces go on. I have had 8 fillings in the past 3 weeks (I have serioiusly neglected my teeth because I hate them!) Now that all the restorative work is done.......I am 14 days away from braces and very nervous! I just keep thinking it will all be worth it :)

I'll keep you posted.

Welcome, ckrobyn!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:34 am
by BraceMouse
Another one for the 41 yo crowd! There's a handful of us at 41 getting braced for the first time--my b-day is 7/8.
I chickened out twice before, but am determined to see this through this time! I look forward to hearing your experience and am a bit jealous that you'll be done so quickly.

Good luck!

Re: Welcome, ckrobyn!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:41 am
by ckrobyn
BraceMouse wrote:Another one for the 41 yo crowd! There's a handful of us at 41 getting braced for the first time--my b-day is 7/8.
I chickened out twice before, but am determined to see this through this time! I look forward to hearing your experience and am a bit jealous that you'll be done so quickly.

Good luck!
Thanks Juliette!
I am happy that I will be finished with braces in 6 months,but that doesn't ease my anxiety about finally getting them on! :shock:

I have hated teeth/mouth/smile my whole life, so I cannot imagine what it will be like to look in the mirror and actually LIKE what I see. I wonder what life will be like not holding my hand over my mouth everytime I smile?

13 days!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:15 am
by ckrobyn
bracedagain wrote:Hi Robyn,

Glad to see that all your restoration work is done. Good on ya'!!

Getting your new hardware will be a bit of a change in your looks at first. But be proud of yourself for getting your smile fixed. Even before the last time I had braces I used to hide my smile with my hand too. It's a hard habit to break, but as your teeth start looking better & better, you will break that habit and like your new smile and want to show it off.

Good Luck on your 6 month journey. Perhaps in that amount of time you will be used to your braces and want to go ahead and sort out your bite as well! ???

Looking forward to following your 6 month journey. Hope all goes well for you!

CYA' Later! Ken.
Hey Ken,
Thanks for the encouragement - I really need it right about now!
I am 8 days away from being braced!!! :shock:

You mention bite problems......I don't have bite problem! My bite may not be perfect, but it isn't an issue for me and therefore I don't need to fix what isn't broke!

I know 6 months doesn't sound like a long time to those of you in braces for 2+ years - but it is still freaking me out!

One week from tomorrow.....