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Six Month Braces?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:43 pm
by theresawall
I read somewhere about people having "six month braces", but I don't know what they are. Does anyone know, or can anyone explain to me
what they are? I'm guessing that the process is just done more quickly, maybe instead of the every 8-10 week progression into a new wire it is done in a shorter time period?

I'm just kind of curious about them. It seems like you would be in pain almost the entire time! If anyone can fill me in I'd appreciate it!


Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:11 pm
by ckrobyn
Hi there :D

I am about to get 6 month braces on July 9th. I have done a lot of research on it and have decided it is the best option for me. To answer your question, adjustments are done every 4 weeks. If you want more information there is a website

I am getting enamel coloured brackets, and the wire is also tooth enamel colour. My dentists hygenist is wearing them and unless she is up close to me, I can't tell she has braces at all!

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:35 pm
by ckrobyn
Meryaten wrote:These are just regular braces, and normal orthodontic procedures. However, as the focus is almost exclusively on the aesthetic of the anterior (front) teeth, the treatment can be concluded faster.
Couldn't have said it any better myself :D

I don't have any orthodontic issues (bite problems etc) and therefore I am only looking to straighten my crooked teeth!


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:56 am
by npkfiresystems
What is the cost difference compared to traditional costs?..

ckrobyn wrote:Hi there :D

I am about to get 6 month braces on July 9th. I have done a lot of research on it and have decided it is the best option for me. To answer your question, adjustments are done every 4 weeks. If you want more information there is a website

I am getting enamel coloured brackets, and the wire is also tooth enamel colour. My dentists hygenist is wearing them and unless she is up close to me, I can't tell she has braces at all!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:47 am
by ckrobyn
You asked about the cost difference?

My total cost is $4700 for top and bottom braces. This includes all xrays and adjustments every 4 weeks. I will need to pay $250 for each for upper and lower bonded permanent retainers after the braces come off.

I'm also going to have my teeth whitened when the braces come off! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:32 pm
by AngelRuse
*Squeak* Why wasn't I given this option?! Not that I could have come up with the money that fast, but...2 years is a long time, 6 months isn't. :wink:

Congrats to those that are getting them or got them. :D

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:37 pm
by ckrobyn
AngelRuse wrote:*Squeak* Why wasn't I given this option?! Not that I could have come up with the money that fast, but...2 years is a long time, 6 months isn't. :wink:

Congrats to those that are getting them or got them. :D
6 month braces are not an option for everyone - nor do all orthodontists do this procedure. People who have bite issues are not necessarily good candidates for 6 month braces.

6 month braces are cosmetic, not orthodontic. The object is simply to straighten the anterior teeth and not correct misalignments, jaw or bite problems.

Luckily I do not have bite issues, jaw pain/issues - so 6 month braces are a good choice for me.

Many folks who had braces as teenagers but whose teeth have returned to their original position are seeking out this 6 month treatment.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:21 pm
by bracednconfused

I've had these "six month braces"
Actually, for me it turned out to be nine months (I knew that from the begining) and I should be debanded next month.

Yes, it is only for aesthetic reasons. I have to say I'm pretty happy with how everything is turning out, though its not entirely perfect but I'm not done yet so I'm trying to be patient.

I even had them taken off for a two week period over the summer for a vacation/wedding. They did shift, but I was not given a retainer. Everything went back to where it should be within weeks of getting the braces back on. I've also had several brackets moved during the last three months.

I would reccomend it -- but just be aware that it might not be 100% absolutely perfect and doesnt fix dentl problems (I didnt have any thats why I qualified)

By the way -- my total cost was $6000. I'm in Innovation-C's or O's I cant remember. clear top, metal bottom.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:56 pm
by Jill52
Hi bracednconfused,

I'm very interested in your experience of having your braces taken off temporarily. Can you tell me more about that. Was it expensive? Was your ortho happy to do it or did he advise against it?

If I'm not out of braces by my projected date of June 09, I will seriously consider this option for a special occasion and vacation.

I asked my ortho about it at the very beginning. He is willing to do it for $500, but he doesn't think it's a good idea.

Any information about your experience would be very much appreciated.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:03 pm
by bracednconfused
Hello Jill,

I did not have to pay any extra fees to have them taken off/put back on. I made this agreement with my ortho before I got my braces on and they calculated my total cost with that.

He didn't really have much of an opinion either way - keep in mind I was very adament about having them off during this time - but he did make it clear that it could prolong treatment by a few weeks. He took them off four months after i had them put on. My teeth did shift during that two week period because I had no retainer so be careful! And when I had them put back on - it hurt just as bad as the very first day I had braces.

Also - I only had my top 6 brackets removed, not all the braces. He also didn't do any shaving. It looked fine for the time being, but I certainly wasn't done. But hey, it was better to be on that vacation without them so it was worth it.! I would def. reccomend esp for a special occassion.

Good luck and let me know how it goes!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:39 am
by Jill52
bracednconfused - Thank you. That's all very interesting and helpful. It's a few months until I might be wanting it, but it's good to be prepared.