While this site is mainly designed for adults, it's OK if kids and teens post sometimes. But I'm a Mom and I have some important things to say to you guys, so listen up:
Don't post too much personal information. Weirdos lurk everywhere on the web. Please don't post your address, your real name, your phone number, or give a link to a web site that has this sort of information. Be careful who you email or PM or IM. Just please be careful. Less info is always better.
If you mistakenly put this sort of info in your profile or in a post, you can edit it out, or I can do it for you. I can even delete you as a user and you can start over with a different name.
If someone starts harassing you via this site, please let me know, and please tell your parents or another trusted adult.
Don't secretly meet up with anybody you meet over the internet -- your parents or another trusted adult should know about it.
If you ever have any questions about this site, please email and ask me.
OK, the Mom in me feels better!