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A journey that seems too long

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:48 pm
by emilio
I did get my braces at 45 mainly out of necessity to spare me from dental suffering later on in life.

Today it has been 4 months and 2 days since I got the braces on, a long journey with some painful things such as replacing archwires, fraenum surgery and upcoming removal of two upper teeth :-(

When I read the board I see a lot of people with YEARS of bracing, m sister in law (also adult) has been braced for 3 years. I have lost weight, I do eat better but it seems like a long journey to me. I can't see (nor know) when this is going to end.

I was supposed to have my jaw surgery in 9 months (dec 2009) but due to the removal in june it is delayed some 6 months. All that waiting!!!! at the same time I am scared of that surgery.

I have tried nearly everything to gain weight in preparation for the surgery but no success. Anyway, I hope to see the day when these braces come off.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:04 pm
by changes09
Have you tried drinking shakes with whey protein? THat will halp you gain weight. Also, I know what you mean about the waiting. But like everyone says it's well worth the wait.....even if we can't see that far ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:37 am
by emilio
Yes, I have tried both ENSURE and ENTEREX preparations that can be used as supplement as well as food replacement. I use it as supplement.

These are great products but just when I had finally gained 2 kilograms I injured my back and have lost them, back to 63 kg. :-(

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:20 pm
by staceyr2
I wish I had the problem of loosing weight, not the same way you did this last time, though, ouch. I thought "oh great, I will have braces on and not be able to eat a whole bunch of stuff any more, I can loose some weight". Wrong! I have a terrible sweet tooth, it must be located right next to the one I had extracted too, because I just can't stay away from chocolates, ice cream, cakes, you name, if its sweet, I must have it and its getting worse every day! Surprisingly I have only gained a few pounds (don't know the kilo conversions), if you don't count the 20 lbs I lost on purpose and gained back. I have also figured out new ways to eat some of the things I am not supposed to. Sorry I'm not much help, I know.
I do know someone (also a "mature" adult) who had to have surgery as part of her treatment and had her jaw wired shut for a lot longer than I could imagine dealing with. She said it was quite unpleasant, but she is extremely happy with the results. I know it's cleche but, just grin and bear it, its worth it in the end!
And yes, I am one of those with YEARS in braces, and no end in sight. My estimated "braces off" date has come and gone, {sigh}, I don't really remember what it like not to have them anymore. Oh well, I guess that is a sacrifice for not considering surgery.
Good luck trying to gain weight and with your future extractions & surgery. I hope it all goes smoothly for you and you heal quickly! Bless you for having the guts to do it!