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Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:34 pm
by htangle1976
Well today was the day I had my spacers put in. Come to find out I have VERY tight teeth... I have eight total & the assistant could only get three out of the eight in. She had the Orthodontist do the rest. He had to place two metal spacers on my upper leftside because the rubber ones kept breaking. The rest are rubber. I was in the chair for about 45~50 minutes. That was at 11:00 this morning & so far they're not too bad. A small amount of throbbing every now & then.I said to my daughter, "This doesn't hurt" she replied "Just wait until tomorrow" lol I'm sure I'll feel it then....

I'm just so, so, so excited!!! I can't wait til next Friday. Braces here I come...... :D