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Newbie intro...

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:49 pm
by Lexigirl
Hello fellow bracers! I am so excited to find this group...I had no idea it existed.

I am a 49 year old married mom of two--a 21 year old daughter, and an almost 18 year old son. I have had braces, top and bottom, for over 13 months due to grinding off half of my teeth over the course of my life, depsite wearing a nightime bite guard since I was 19. They are hoping to readjust my bite so I can eventually have my teeth built back up to the corrrect size. I'm looking at six more months of braces at least, and have been told I also need jaw surgery in the next few months to complete the process and get the best outcome. Frankly, I am really scared of the surgery mostly because I am naturally very thin --5'5'', 110 pounds--and l 'm really afraid of the weight loss. I have to make a decision within the next few weeks, so I will be active on this site to help me make an informed decision.

My braces experience has been generally trouble free, although the first month was really painful. I could eat nothing but soft foods for quite a while, so I lost weght and got way too thin. I've managed to put it back on, but I definitely eat less with my braces. Such a pain to pick all the food out!

I'm so glad to be here, and I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Lexigirl, Beaverton, Oregon

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:09 pm
by yo
Ohhh, I hope I don't feel like eating! :D

With the jaw surgery, can you see a nutritionist to help you take in the calories needed to maintain your weight?

::::waving from up here in Puget Sound ::::::

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:00 pm
by Lexigirl
Yo--hello from another Pacific Northwesterner!

Yes, I might consult a nutritionist when I have the surgery. I'm not sure how much weight people usually lose with the surgery, but even five pounds for me isn't good. I'm going to try to gain about ten pounds before the surgery so I'll be more even when all is said and done.

Good luck with your braces. The first month is the hardest, then it's not so bad. You just have to be really careful about keeping food out of them. I go through those little tiny Christmas tree shaped brushes like mad. I am always amazed how much food I can brush out with those! :shock: