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Braces for the first 29

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:50 pm
by Bracy
Hi everybody, i wanted to introduce myself. I just got my braces 2 days ago and found this forum looking for people who are going through the same. When I was a kid the dentist told my mum that one of the upper teeth needs to be extracted in order to make room. My mum declined as she didn't think that it was a good idea to "pull a healthy tooth". (Granted i would have thrown a total fit hearing that a tooth needs to be pulled 8) :lol: ) Anyway, looking back i wish that would have all happend when i was little, so i wouldn't have to deal with this now.

I wasn't happy with my smile for a long time already, and avoided pictures or kept my mouth shut. If there was one thing about myself that i wanted to change it were my teeth, especially this one upper one that kind of sticks out due to overcrowding. I already thought about it for a while, but had to have a lot of dental work done first, so i spent the last year getting everything fixed and finally I was ready to focus on braces again. I was excited about fixing my overcrowding problem.

On monday i got my upper and lower braces and spacers. The upper braces are clear and the lower ones are the stainless-steel ones. Other than the crowding, i have a cross-bite on the left and an open bite. One of the premolars on my upper left will be extracted in the coming weeks. The orthodontist recommended getting the braces on for now to get everything moving, so that it will be easier to extract the tooth.

I have to say, that it's harder than I thought it would be. Of course I didn't think it was funny business, but I had no idea! The impact on my confidence was earth-shattering and i am still pretty down about everything. I am looking forward to getting my teeth fixed of course, but it's tough for me so far. It hurts, (I think mostly those spacers) and chewing is absolutely impossible. Eating is just absolutely uncool and for someone who loves eating and cooking, this is really discouraging. Hopefully this will get better soon..(and how long can 2 years be? :shock: ) No but seriously, i am only two days in and I wish the two years were over. I have short episodes of thinking it's not so bad and i am proud of myself that I did it and then i am mostly just down again. Hopefully this will all settle a little bit in the next days and I will get used to it. (Guess I will have to give myself some time). My husband is very supportive and that helps me a lot.

My lower lip is very angry right now and woke me up tonight. I had to go and put some wax on the lower front brackets in order to sleep.

I went ahead and bought this Waterpik appliance, which seems very helpful so far. I am using a Sonicare toothbrush already and it works like a charm. I really have a problem flossing though. It was already hard without the braces (due to the crowding) but i have no idea how to do it now. I tried yesterday and it was largely unsuccesful and i started bleeding at the one side I tried on.

I also noticed that my blue mouthwash isn't probably the best choice. :roll:

It really helps me to read about all your experiences and tips and I am looking forward to "hanging out" with you guys during the next 2 years. (I got 18-24 months scheduled)

My next appointment is in 13 days from now.


Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:28 pm
by yo
Hi Bracy,

I think we got our braces on the same day!

This is my second time in braces. When I was in my twenties, they did pull 4 teeth before I had my first braces. I can't even remember how my teeth looked when the braces came off.

My uppers are clear brackets too, I get my lowers on next Monday. The pain will subside, it takes a few days. I always had a hard time when I got a new wire installed, but I prepared by having soft foods ready to eat!

How are your friends and co-workers reacting to your braces?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:13 am
by Bracy
Hi you two,

thank you for your kind words. Now on day 3 with braces and trying to take it easy. 8) Wax is becoming my best friend.

So far i haven't really met my friends and luckily i am self-employed, so I don't have co-workers, other than my husband. :wink: I am however taking some college classes and met my new group on the first day with braces. It didn't make me feel good at all, but they were really nice, so it seems like my braces didn't bother them too much. The college kids are probably used to it :lol: . I am still thinking about hiding for two years and playing SPAMS. :lol: 8)

@yo: It's really cool that we got our braces the same day! I am looking forward to hearing about your progress!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:39 pm
by Bracy
So it's really only day 4 so far.. :lol: . My tongue is complaining a bit on my right side, but the wax has helped a lot on the lower lip. Anyhow, this lisp is really annoying, how long does this usually last? 8) :roll:

Another questions, how long does it approx. take until the space is closed once they extract my premolar?
