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NEWBIE - getting braces soon!

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:45 am
by ming
Hey everyone !

I've been wandering around this website for a few weeks now and thought I'd introduce myself :). I've just turned 20 and decided to get braces for myself this year hehe.

My initial concern was a protruding mouth (asian background if that matters) and also a small gap between my two front teeth, however the majority of my teeth are quite straight already. After the first consultation, I was told i also had a slight underbite, hence my slower lip sticking out. Then after taking x-rays and coming back for my second consultation, i was told i had slight crowding and that my wisdom teeth are not given enough space grow out.

Now I'm just waiting to get 4 second premolars removed in the next two weeks! :shock: Just a little nervous but I'm actually looking forward to it.

Bye for now ! =D

PS. How do I upload an image? lol

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:11 am
by gokix
Hi ming! Congrats on starting your new journey to getting braces. :)
To link an image, simply upload a photo to hosting site (photobucket, flickr, tinypic), copy and paste that link and insert it between the "img" tags.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:48 pm
by ming
Thanks gokix!
Just figured out how to upload some photos :D :


There is a chip in my front teeth but my ortho said he'd fix it along the way.

Also the treatment time is 2 years and retainers for around 18 months?

I didnt think my teeth were that bad to be 2 whole years! But I guess my side view sucks because my mouth seems to be poking out.

Anyways I will post up more pictures in Braces Stories once I get my braces on! :D

Right now I'm just looking for tips on how to prepare for teeth extractions and putting on the braces, stuff like what foods should i eat as much as possible before i can't anymore hehehe :wink: and will my mouth look larger once the braces are on :shock: . orthodontist didnt mention anything about spacers but my teeth seem pretty tight! :?

good idea

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:01 pm
by jambo532
yeah that's what I did. I ate as much as humanly possible before braces. Now I'm ok to eat tho. I eat just about whatever I ate before just now I have a toothbrush handy. It's worth it in the end I'm sure.

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:41 pm
by P3nnst8r
Hey Ming!

Welcome to the club. Although I'm not in it myself, but I have my brackets on and I just got my 4 premolars removed last Thursday. Wires this Thursday!

I'm in the same boat that my teeth weren't THAT bad, straight for the most part, but I wanted to get smaller looking lips and rid of my overbite as much as possible.

I only had spacers put in my back 2 top teeth, so I think it just depends on how close your back teeth are to each other.

The first 2 days after extractions were pretty rough; I ate only jello, mashed potatoes, and pudding (like a pelican at that, because of my undying fear of dry socket). Yesterday I did graduate to chicken noodle soup, and today I had my first "real" meal of some takeout chinese! So I think I'm good to go :) And you should expect the same.

And honestly? Eat all the sticky stuff you can :) If you are a fan of swedish fish, make sure to gobble those up! 'Cause once you get spacers in, the ortho STRONGLY recommends you stray away from them :)