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Braces on - day 7

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:45 am
by Biz

Well after many years I have taken the big step and got my braces - I am 54 years old and felt I owe it to myself to get the smile I always wanted. I look forward to the days ahead and I will try and update my progress as foten as I can.

Must admit have suffered no pain what so ever to date and only one tiny bit of the braces as rubbed my gum - so all in all feeling pretty good about things.

Already forgetting they are there - however eating is a whole new venture to be explored!!

Regards Biz

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:30 pm
by yo
I think we got our braces at about the same time.

I got my uppers on last Monday and the lowers on today. I'm trying to go without wax until I just can't take it anymore, then I put it on to heal my cheeks. The cleats on the inside of the bands are bothersome as well. I wish they could take them off!

I also got a new wire on the uppers today, its the next step up in strength.

Good luck, looking forward to hearing about your progress.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:10 pm
by htangle1976
Well, congrats on getting your braces. :dance: I got my top & bottom braces on January 29th & I must say "I totally agree with you on the subject of eating" I just don't enjoy it like I use to. Lol... Anyways, I wish you well through you new journey :wink: Take Care....


Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:15 am
by Biz
Thanks to those who have replied.......... I have a clear brace on top and a metal one on lower teeth. Both put on the same day but each day it's getting better.

Thinking of keeping a diary so I can track changes and it will be nice that in a years time (expected brace time) I can look back at my progress.

Hope to pop in here from time to time as I find all the stories so good.


PS. made myself a ticker but can anyone tell me how to get the code off so it cant be seen as below?

Image :? 8)


Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:00 am
by Biz
Hi Ken,

Thanks for the advice - sure eating will sort itself out over the next few weeks - also the advice about the ticker - think I have now managed to get it into my signature - well here's hoping!!!

Look forward to seeing you around the boards too.



Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:59 pm
by jambo532
Yep it's well worth it. Seeing movement is amazing week 3 for me