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New here! - I think Im posting in the right spot!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:33 pm
by Vieve25
Hello everyone!! I am new here (and not yet braced..thats coming at the end of the month...) I think I am posting in the right spot - so if im not can someone teach me how to navigate to the right forum? Thanks!
I am 25 and finally taking the plunge. I am married with a 16 month old daughter and we are financially stable enough to get my teeth fixed....AND IM FREAKING OUT because I have to have my top left baby canine extracted and the adult canine exposed. I am only getting braces on my top teeth. I have NO IDEA what to expect and I can NOT picture myself with braces. I will be getting the Inovation-C clear braces. anyone have pictures of what these are???

If anyone can share their stories with me about the extraction and exposure I would really appreciate it! as well as getting braces put on obviously! I will be getting the braces first and then the extraction and bracket for the adult canine to be brought down. YikeS! I cant believe it s February already... Ive been waiting forver to do this it feels like.....

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:35 pm
by yo
The anticipation can really be the worst part. I had 4 extractions when I got braces the first time at 23. it wasn't so bad, your mouth heals quickly.

I don't have the same brackets you mentioned, but I do have clear instead of metal.


Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:04 pm
by Vieve25
Thanks!! I appreciate the quick responses!!! :)


Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:55 am
by Vieve25
Well - I have switched orthodontists - still getting braced in a few weeks... My husband and I decided to go to a couple more conultations (even though I thought I wouldnt switced ortho's!) and I did! Instead of the Inovation C braces I will be getting Clarity ceramic on the top and metal on the bottom. I have been reading a lot about power chains/ ligatures/ elastics - I do not want my braces too look yellow so am I right to ask for the 'smoke' color - or is that something I dont have to worry about?? (still dont know the terminology very well!)

I will be getting the oral surgery still as well, obviously...but excited to get these bad boys on! haha!

Thanks in advance!

no stains for me

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:48 pm
by jambo532
I have the ceramic... tops and bottoms. I haven't had any stains 3 weeks in. I smoke (bad for me I know), drink dark pop, and have to have my coffee in the morning. I just drink through a straw and cover my lips with my teeth when I smoke. I also rinse after. I don't know it's been working ok for me.