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Finally in My Braces

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:09 am
by TinGrin613
Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Davi, 18 year old female who recently got braces to fix my openbite caused from years of... :oops: thumbsucking.
I currently have a tongue crib, and braces on my top teeth. I thought that I was going to get elastics, but my ortho just popped the archwire into the brackets and I said I don't need any (for now). I had them put on the fourth of this month, and I can already start to see a difference! It's so cool. Luckily, I haven't had a bunch of pain or any other downsides. I can't really eat sandwiches in public (condiments end up all over my face), and chocolate cake makes me look like I gargled with mud lol.
My friends say that I have a face for braces, and they're not that noticable. My only big concern is getting this tongue cage removed as soon as possible!
Well, I think you dudes will be seeing me post here quite often within these next few years! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:59 am
by yo

I went to 3 different consultations, and one of the orthos suggested the mid-evil torture you're now going through with your tongue. I too was a thumb sucker and have tongue thrust.

The ortho I went with said that the crib was unnecessary and that he felt my tongue would go back to pushing once the device was removed. he is also going to put permanent retainers on my teeth. It remains to be seen if this will all work for me. But I'm glad I didn't go for the tongue torture, my tongue feels like its too big for my mouth with all this STUFF in my mouth.


Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:45 pm
by jambo532
welcome and congrats. Today is my 3 week mark. Love braces so far. Never heard of a tongue crib tho... sounds painful