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Will coffee / tea stain my clear braces?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:16 pm
by AmyJS
I have clear braces. I understand that curry will stain (and so will tumeric), but what about all the coffee and tea I drink?

And I am already drinking MORE coffee and tea because of all the stuff I can't eat / drink.

I'll ask my ortho next time I see him, but wondering if any of you have experience with this.

I realize it's also the elastics, or whatever they are called, that stain, and they get changed every 4-5 weeks, but in general, should I cut back or eliminate?

Amy (only 3 days in braces, and quite addicted to caffeine)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:49 pm
by bbsadmin
It's not the braces that get stained, but the elastic ligatures that surround them, which are changed at each appointment. Curry, red wine, and black coffee are the worst offenders.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:26 pm
by yo
I've taken advice from another post to help keep the ligs cleaner. I use part water and part hydrogen peroxide to rinse the ligs. I find it works better if I put the mixture in my water pik and concentrate on the ligs.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:26 am
by browneyedgrl
Hi Amy,

I'm a coffee drinker and when I had my braces placed, I asked the assistant if I could get wire ties on my ceramics and my ortho was fine with it. Once I had powerchains, it was a different story... I was going inbetween adjustments to have them changed.