I hate spacers

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I hate spacers

#1 Post by suzyscientist »

I'm hoping that the rumours are true and that spacers are the most annoying part of orthodontics!

Hi everyone! I've been lurking on this forum for a little while, and as I'm at stage 1 of my orthodontic adventure I thought it was time I joined the community.

I'm 28 and can't eat sushi. Well that's just one symptom :lol: I have a class 3 malocclusion and have been putting off treatment for the last 5 years because of vanity - I'm in the UK and the NHS will only let me have metal braces. I realised last year that if I'd actually started the treatment when the ortho first suggested it, I'd have been finished ages ago. Plus I'm lucky that the NHS will cover all of my treatment - my brother has the same condition but he has to pay for his own orthodontic treatment because he lives in a different area.

So anyway, I plucked up the courage and joined the waiting list, and 8 months later here I am...

At the minute I just have spacers in. I hate them hate them hate them. I can't wait to get rid of them! I'm getting cemented bands when spacers come out on Monday 15th March and then the following Monday the brackets go on. The plan is to move my lower jaw back surgically after the braces have done their thing, but there's a chance I'll need my upper jaw expanded too, it depends how well the braces work.

I'm really nervous about how I'm going to react to having the braces, but I hope that I'll be a grown-up and keep telling myself that it will be worth it: I hate smiling and having pictures taken because my top jaw seems so small and I look like Desperate Daniella.

I'm so glad to find this site - none of my friends have had braces *ever* so I'm pretty much on my own with this.

Anyway I'll stop rambling on now. Nice to meet everyone :)

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#2 Post by determined419 »

Welcome.... from one newbie to another! :D

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#3 Post by gokix »

Welcome to AW, suzie!

Personally, I'd rank spacers and powerchains (those come later in the treatment) high on the annoying part of having braces. Getting the actual braces actually put on shouldn't be all that bad. A couple of weeks in and you get used to having all this hardware in your mouth. Good luck on your journey, and let us know how it goes! :)

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#4 Post by jambo532 »

So far my braces haven't really bothered me. I am getting spacers out in in like 3 weeks and I'm not looking forward to it. Everyone says they are the biggest pain. I only have to have them for a week tho.... yikes!

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#5 Post by suzyscientist »

Thanks for the welcome guys :)

After all my complaining about spacers Jambo - they've actually settled down in the past few days, which is ironic as I get them taken out tomorrow and cemented bands put in... murphy's law!

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#6 Post by dentalistaUK »

Hi Suzy

I'd agree with the others - the spacers are the most annoying part of the treatment - possibly because having something wedged between your teeth is so unnatural. Your teeth will already have started to move. If you're anything like me, the metal bands will feel much less uncomfortable. (For my bracing story so far, here's my blog: http://dentalista-bracingup.blogspot.com).

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#7 Post by DrBlur »

I'm getting spacers in 3 days...worried to hear they hurt so much!

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#8 Post by suzyscientist »

Ah they don't really hurt that much, they're just really annoying, and my teeth hurt from moving rather than from the spacers themselves. Don't worry DrBlur, it will all be fine! :D

Dentalista - couldn't agree more. Bands are much less uncomfortable, but are annoying in their own way ;)


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#9 Post by DrBlur »

^I hope you're right! I was speaking with my cousin last night who had braces when she was younger and she said they hurt like the dickens, especially if you're teeth are close together to begin with (which mine are). I'll just have to tough it out :lol:

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#10 Post by suzyscientist »

Mine are really close together too - especially my upper teeth. It was a challenge for my poor ortho to get them in.

I think being prepared is the best thing: nobody told me they'd be painful so I was surprised when I tried to eat and it hurt, and it took me a few days to realise you could take paracetamol (acetaminophen) to help. D'oh!

Stock up on painkillers, don't expect to chew toffees and you'll be just fine. Good luck & let us know how you go!

S :)

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#11 Post by DrBlur »

Yeah, my cousin said to take Advil an hour before I get them, which I will do!

Do they put them in between all teeth or just molars? I have a hard time getting floss in between ALL of my teeth so I'm quite nervous...my wife stocked up on soups and soft foods for me, though :lol:

BTW how long typically are they left in? I could have sworn my ortho said 2 weeks but everyone I know who has had braces said they never had them in that long...

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#12 Post by suzyscientist »

I had them on either side of my first molar (the one next to a premolar - I don't know the proper names for teeth!) so I had 8 in total. I think it depends on how many molar bands you need. I have four molar bands in total but I've heard some people have more.

I was going to have mine left in for two weeks, but because of work I had to get an earlier appointment, so I don't think it's that unusual. I got used to mine after about 6/7 days so don't worry about being in pain for 2 weeks!

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#13 Post by DrBlur »

Ah OK, makes sense. They have me scheduled to get my braces on 2 weeks after the spacers, so I'm guessing we're going to stick to that schedule although it may change depending on what they decide when they put the spacers on!

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#14 Post by suzyscientist »

Yeah think it's a 'wait & see' game - that's what my ortho keeps telling me. She always tells me the plan for the next appointment, then adds, "but of course that could change". The joys of orthodontics :)

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#15 Post by DrBlur »

^Yeah, I'm learning all about orthodontics as I go along! :lol: I'm confused though, because the receptionist told me I'd probably have an appointment in between spacers and braces...I wonder for what? They didn't schedule it yet (but the spacers and braces appointments are scheduled)...weird
32 years old, total time in braces=30 months

-Braces and palate expander on 4/15/10
-RPE Surgery 9/15/10
-Expander removed 3/11
-Braces Removed 9/7/12
-Retainers in 9/7/12

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