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25 and braces

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:33 pm
by navmok
I'm 25, male and thinking of getting braces. I have gaps between my upper teeth and the midline is off by 3mm. I live in dallas and consulted an ortho near my home. She seems to be decent but inexperienced. So, I am presently looking for a good orthodontist in dallas area. I would greatly appreciate if dallas members could share their experiences while working with their orthodontists. This will help me in selecting my ortho. You may reply this message or send a private message to me.

Thanks for your help

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:01 am
by Colorado87
Hey Nav how's it going today? Did you make a move on those braces yet? Feel free to PM me but I'll post this publicly. Fast Braces is the system I have on my teeth. You can find my thread here with Fast Braces for Overcrowding. Basically we are lucky enough to live where we do. Texas has many locations, including Dallas. That will get you started- find the Locations portion on the left hand side. There it is. I prepaid with cash- $2000 for the treatment, another $400 for an expander- so $2,400 total. We learned that I won't need the expander after all! So I get the $400 back at the end of treatment- which I will probably use for advanced whitening anyway. Your case will be different- maybe you will need an expander appliance maybe you will not.

So the brackets and archwire are slightly modified from the normal train track appearance you are used to seeing. The bracket is a triange, not a square, and is affixed to the archwire with one rubber band. The wire itself is modified to fit in the new brackets and apply torque.

I can't speak for the doctor in Dallas- but I visit one of the doctors in Denver and it's really nice. The office is really clean- not busy- and the doctor says He knows the inventor personally. Guess what! The inventor started in Texas anyway- so you are sure to have an experienced doctor working with you.

That's all I can say for now. Visit my thread and see my case. I just started March 24th and I have my first next appointment on May 5th.

Metal or Ceramic Lowers ??

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:28 am
by navmok
Hi All,

I was braced clear uppers (In-Ovation C) on Aug 20, 2010. My lowers will be placed after six weeks from that time. I am confused whether to go for metal or ceramic lowers. Please let me know the pros and cons of choosing one instead of another.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:14 am
by amandad09
Go with the metal! They are less expensive, work faster (not much but still) and from my experience, don't break as easy. If I had to do it all over again, I would probably just have gotten metal on top and bottom! A couple of my ceramic uppers have broken off and had to be put back on. Not the same for my metal lowers! Also, you can get colors that won't stain as easy on the metal. I hate how quickly my upper clears stain!!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:08 pm
by Bracy
I have clear brackets on top and metal on bottom and I'd do it like this again. I like that the top ones are less noticeable and since my lower teeth aren't really shown much when I speak I didn't mind the metal ones. So far nothing has broken problems with any of the brackets whatsoever. I can recommend it.