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From consultation to braces... waiting time?

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:53 am
Hey guys, just a quick question...

iv been lurking about as a guest for a while and i think this site is fab its soo full of info!

A was hoping some of you could tell me how long the wait was from your first consultation to actually getting the brackets on ur teeth? thats is if you didnt require any teeth pulling or anything!
I know all orthos will be different, but was curious some of your personal waiting times! :D

Thanks guys

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:37 am
by haywire
in mine case...i had the consultation on 26th of june and the braces installed on 23th of july so...almost a month

but it dependets...of how busy is the doctor, how fast you get your x-rays....

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:18 am
by BraceFace2o1o
If you don't need any work doing, extractions etc... then I'd say it's just down to how busy your Ortho is?

I went for my first consultation today and they basically said I can come back (if I want to go ahead with treatment that is) as soon as I want and at that appointment x-rays and molds would be taken and the brackets fitted. They also said I could break it up into 2 appointments if I wanted... first for x-rays and molds, then second for the brace to be fitted. The Ortho didn't mention spacers though.

If/when I find the right Ortho, I know I'll be keen to start ASAP after the consultation! :lol: :D

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:02 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Ortho consult done on July 14th and the ortho said if I was ready I could have been started on that date but I wanted to get one more opinion! So next opinion is on the 26th and if I decide to go with the other ortho I got opinion for I will go back to them.

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:13 pm
by rhomboid
It took a month for the Ortho to see me for an appointment from the first consultation to the records check and then another month, due to my schedule, to be braced. I was shocked when the Otho initially recommended braces over Invisilign, then I deliberated a week before accepting his advice. Two months total. The wait is absolutely the worst part; having yourself braced is one of the best things you will ever have done for yourself. Good luck and don't procrastinate.


Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:51 pm
by sadpanda
It took a whole month from the time I had a consult until my brace date. The wait felt like forever!!! I was so happy to finally get the braces on, I wasn't nervous at all.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:28 am
by sammywantstraightteeth
(This relates to Invisalign)

After my free consult I had to wait 3 weeks to get an appointment for x-rays and impressions (busy provider). After that, it was a couple of weeks for clincheck to come back. After a week of asking questions I decided to go ahead and my aligners were ordered. I was booked in for 3 weeks later to have them fitted, the providers experience being that the aligners always came in within that time. In my case he was right, and my treatment began.

So, total of about 2 months from my initial decision to start the process to actually having the treatment commence.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:21 pm
by blackapple
I remember at my first consultation with a different ortho from the one I choose explained the process to me and was like we can put them on today if you like. I was like um no. :shock: I need to think about all this first. It took me 11 months to get up the courage to finally go through with getting the braces.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:48 am
by macgirl4ever
I had two consultations from Nov 08-Jan 09. Records and spacers were done early March and the braces fitted mid March. Had I gone with the first consult, I could have had records and braces the next week. I remember the wait being a killer. Once I had decided to take the plunge, I just wanted it over with.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:45 pm
by Superwoman
I think it depends on you and your ortho. I was ready to move foward and when I found the right ortho I could have been scheduled within two weeks after the consult to start trearment. I had to put it off a bit longer due to my personal schedule. So my experience was as follows:

xrays, pictures, and molds 08/02/2010
getting a good cleaning and two minor fillings 08/12/2010
and I'm getting the braces put in on 08/31/2010

My original brace date was 08/17/2010 but it was psuhed back at my request. I would advise you to go at whatever pace you're most comfortable with. Best wishes.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:50 am
by jojali
I had my consult on a thursday (xrays, photos, etc), got the moulds done the following tuesday, then the braces fitted 2 weeks later. So under 3 weeks all up :)