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Braces D-Day has arrived...and I'm a little nervous!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:40 am
by crazyasaboxoffrogs
Hi everyone :)

Well, today after years off putting of getting braces as a teen (despite being told multiple times that I would really benefit getting them done and always saying no, no I'm perfectly happy with my teeth the way they are... :roll: Cue wisdom teeth emerging and now a mild crookedness has now turned into a serious overlap/general tooth all over the placeness) I am now getting my first braces ever this evening at the age of 23.

They are the 3M clarity braces so hopefully they shouldn't be as noticable as the NHS ones however I haven't told everyone in the office I'm getting them so hopefully there won't be gasps of shock and horror tomorrow. Maybe it's just me being nervous but I seem to be the only one thinking that it's a big deal- I say 'yeah I'm getting braces' expecting adverse reactions (ridicule, laughter? What?! At YOUR age?) but everyone has been lovely so that has put my fears aside a little about people's opinions changing or people judging etc.

I'm determined to not be self-conscious when I have them on but I'm sure it will happen- I've took a 'before pic' this morning to remind myself if the braces get me down why I'm wearing them in the first place :) so I'm sure that will give me a motivational boost if needed!

What now worries me is:-

1. Will they hurt much?
2. Will I still be able to speak normally? (I have to do presentations frequently)
3. The whole issue of decalcifying teeth- I'm so paranoid I will get white marks around my brackets that I've invested in an arsenal of floss, xylitol mouthwash and re-mineralising toothpaste!

Can anyone offer advice, it would be greatly appreciated :D x

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:01 am
by dredgos
Hi crazyasaboxoffrogs

Firstly, congratulations on taking the plunge and welcome to the forum. Its a common misconception i think that people will ridicule you when you say you are getting braces. I got mine (metal brackets) 4 months before i was 25 and i have had them for about 6 months now and i cannot remember one negative comment about them from anyone i have come across.

It takes a little bit of getting used to having them though, both on a consciousness and practical level! So here goes my attempt to answer your questions!

1. It very much varies from person to person how much discomfort you experience. Unfortunately there isnt a golden rule for everybody so my best advice is be prepared for a couple of days of avoiding any foods that are hard. You might find you experience little discomfort though and be able to eat eveyrthing straight away.

2. Now i cant speak for the 3M brackets, but i had no problems with my metals one in terms of my speech and as a general rule i think from what i have read on here most brackets dont really cuase that many speech issues.

3. This is something i think most people experience when they get braces, they get incredibly concerned about their dental hygiene. My personal advice here is to just make sure you get used to having a good clean around your brackets, i spent the first couple of days brushing my teeth and then staring in the mirror for 5 minutes to check i had the best job i could! Also try not to get too frustrated with flossing because it does get easier with some practice!

Hope this helps, and good luck!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:01 am
by crazyasaboxoffrogs
Hi dredgos, thanks for replying you put my mind at rest somewhat! Have a slight lisp at the minute but hopefully that'll clear up in the next few days! The teeth have been hurting a LOT today but at least that means something is working so I don't mind the pain so much!