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braces at 36 -yikes!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:15 pm
by djda
Hi its Jen. 36 year old mom( with upper and lower, and triads in back) of 13 y.o. ready to come out of braces and 11y.o. who i sat next while we both got braced up...We are a house full of metal at this time! Although, I seem to be the biggest baby about it with eating, mouth being all ripped up etc....It must be worse when your teeth are 36 years old is what I tell them!!!!
5 days in and like 999 to go or something! :soremouth:

Re: braces at 36 -yikes!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:00 pm
by 0zzy
Try 54! I am not able to eat much but mashed potatoes and refried beans. I have lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks.

Re: braces at 36 -yikes!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:31 am
by noveldevice
Hi Jen. I'm 35, so in the same boat as you.

I've been noticing that there are long periods of time when my teeth hurt but the brackets aren't ripping up my mouth, and then times when the brackets rip me up but my teeth don't hurt as much. Currently my tongue is in tatters from the insides of my molar bands.

But my teeth have already moved SO much! I think it will be worth it.