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Job Hunting with Braces

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:04 pm
by sunnylocks
I'm employed, but am thinking about looking for a new one...

I'm just looking to hear about any experience you've had when it comes to interviewing, dropping off applications, and anything in regards to seeking employment with braces, especially those that are newly braced in that situation.

Hope to hear from you!

Re: Job Hunting with Braces

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:28 am
by Sandpiper
Hi Sunnylocks,

I can only help you from the other side....I have interviewed many people, and it would have absolutely no bearing whatsoever (and nor should it). It's your ability to do the role you apply for that is the question. Wearing braces would be like wearing glasses....totally "so what?" If you experience any adverse reaction, I would take that as a good indication that the work environment in that organisation would not be a good one. I hope you encounter nothing but positivity from your job-hunting - good luck!

Re: Job Hunting with Braces

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:55 pm
by kelhuntley
Hi Sunnylocks,

I've had absolutely no problem at all. I am moving cities, and went and visited a whole of recruitment agencies and they weren't phased at all. I have just recently been offered a role as a Personal Assistant with a company I applied to as well - in all my braces glory!!

I always just think to myself that I wasn't happy with my teeth pre-braces (because they stuck out over my lip when I smiled, like a vampire!) but at least I am actually doing something about it and it will totally worth it in the end - which gives me a bit of a confidence boost!

Good luck x

Re: Job Hunting with Braces

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:04 am
by schar
I've had several interview while I've been in braces. They seriously don't care about it, since it's about your ability than your looks. Actually I had a conversation about life in braces in my interview. He wanted braces himself but he didn't want to go through the process. Ha.

I think these days, so many people wish to improve themselves physically, and no one thinks any less of them, which is great!