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Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:41 pm
by ladyksilver
Hi, I've been lurking this site for a couple of months now and since I have my installation date, I decided I would make my mark on this site! I will be getting braces on May 8! Long overdue, but I finally will be getting a more confident, healthy smile! Long story short growing up my mom 1. was afraid of the dentist so she didn't take us and 2. couldn't afford braces for me and raise by her self four children! I have a lot of crowding and my teeth are severely malaligned. I will need to have tooth #26 extracted on April 14 and then I get my spacers on April 26. I will be getting ceramic braces on my top teeth and metal braces on my bottom teeth. It looks like I will be in them for about 18-24 months! I will be documenting my journey on my YouTube channel and my blog. My orthodontist is going to allow me to record my braces application and of course I'll be posting update blogs and pictures. Btw, I'm 33, married, and the mother of 5 beautiful children! So, the journey begins and this site has been super helpful in providing me with information and calming any of my anxieties!

Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:26 pm
by Sandpiper
Hi Ladyksilver,

Glad to hear you are taking the plunge to join us - best of luck with your journey!

Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:50 am
by ladyksilver
Thanks Sandpiper- I'm excited and nervous at the same time!

Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:41 am
by mommy

good luck, keep us updated on your journey (I am getting braced in July :wink: )

Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:29 am
by Capsfan
Congrats on taking the plunge. You will be thankful. The first month or so is not that much fun but after a while you hardly even notice them. I think once you get used to eating it gets MUCH better. The spacers also are not very comfortable. After that, and after you start to see real results, for me it was about the 3 month mark, you will realize what a great decision it was. Congrats again!

Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:33 pm
by ladyksilver
Thanks Capsfan. This site has been so reassuring and it's great hearing from people who've been where I'm about to be!

Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:08 pm
by catgyrl
Congratulations, and I can't wait to see your YT videos to follow your progress. I'm one year in, and am still fascinated by everything. I'm such a dork! :roll: Will your YT channel be the same name as you use here? Please keep us posted when you start that.


Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:17 pm
by ladyksilver
Thanks Cathy and everyone for the well wishes. I'm going to be posting stuff on my blog and YT channel! I've already started started to post updates & thoughts on my blog. I do not have any pictures posted yet relating to my braces journey. I currently do makeup, beauty, & inspirational moments on my YT channel & blog, but I will include my braces journey also. My YT name is dodiem37 & my blog is kladycosmetics!


Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:49 pm
by ladyksilver
Update: So I made it through the extraction yay :jump:!! I'm not in any pain, just a little discomfort and I've got to get used to the missing tooth and gap :GapToothed:, but I'm doing well! Spacers next and then the braces!!

Re: Newbie- Getting Braces in May, er July!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:34 am
by ladyksilver
Update: So after two failed installation dates, due to issues beyond my control, it looks like I will finally be gettng my braces July 5th- Yaaay! That means I'll have to start the spacers process all over- but it is all well worth it, especially now! To say I was disappointed about the other failed attempts is an understatement, but I will not be defeated, besides this gap in the bottom of my mouth has got to come to a close! I am still updating my progress on my blog ( and my Youtube page (do a search for dodiem37)- more so on my blog than my Youtube page due to uploading issues! I had to stay away from this site while I was in mourning, but I'm back and so excited!!