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Hello all!! :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:45 pm
by Nikkistixx06
I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say a quick hi! I got my braces on last Wednesday an the first two days were an absolute pain in the behind. It's been tough getting use to not eating things I would normally eat. In fact lastnight I was eating an oatmeal cookie ( BIG MISTAKE) I have Damon braces and the wire popped out of the bracket. I started freaking out. Thankfully I was able to pop it back in the bracket. Hopefully it didn't mess with anything.

Anyway I'm not exactly sure how long I'm going to have the braces on. I'm going to an orthodontic school and they said it could take up to two years. I'm a case study for the Damon braces. And I've been reading about Damon braces and that it can reduce the amount of time in braces by up to 25% so let's hope that's accurate and I'm out of these jokers in a year and a half at the latest. I will try and post a pic when I get a chance......


Re: Hello all!! :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:46 pm
by Nikkistixx06
Oh and by the way I'm 26!

Re: Hello all!! :) :)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:30 pm
by ladyksilver
Hi Nikkistixx06 & welcome! I considered getting my braces through a dental school since it was cheaper than a private practice ortho. The school is about an hours drive from me and since gas prices are sky high I probably would've paid more just in feul alone. I get braced May 3rd, spacers go in tomorrow. This site is extremely helpful- good luck!

Re: Hello all!! :) :)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:18 pm
by Nikkistixx06
It ended up being about 3,000 cheaper going through the school, which is very helpful. My insurance wouldn't cover any of it because it's out of network so that was a little upsetting. Oh well it still ends up being cheaper than if I would have gone to an actual ortho office. I get my four teeth taken out on the 16th of next month (not looking forward to it). Hopefully once those are out I will start seeing some movement! ;)

Re: Hello all!! :) :)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:08 am
by Nikkistixx06
So here are a few pics of my teeth, and by the way they aren't actually this yellow, the camera did that for some reason :( I had the wire taken off for my extractions on Monday!




