How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

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Robot Teeth
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How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#1 Post by Robot Teeth »

It seems like a few of us dread(ed) getting braces, but most of you, like me, are or were actually looking forward to it. And once you mentally commit to the idea, it's hard waiting weeks and weeks between the initial appointments. I've watched so many youtube videos about braces that I could probably install them myself! (not really, but you get the idea) So the obsession is tough to deal with, especially considering that I've wanted braces for about 20 years!

So my question for those of you who actually already have them on, is how long did it take from the time you had your "records" or "impressions" taken to the time you actually got your braces on? I know there are a few things that need to happen in this time, as the impressions need to be prepared, the doctor puts together a game plan, presents the plan to you, along with the financial commitment, (you agree) the braces are ordered and shipped to the office, etc. So how long did all of this take for you?

I know some doctors use a procedure that involves placing the brackets onto trays beforehand and then curing them all at once with the light. This was offered at another orthodontist I consulted with, however, this will NOT be the case for me. The brackets will be individually placed. I only mention this because the tray method can save an appointment, as they take two sets of impressions during the records appointment and this would otherwise reduce the total time frame.

My records appointment is thursday. What should I expect? Brace day about 2 months later, from what I can gather? If it helps, I'm getting In-Ovation braces, and my orthodontist is at the University of Detroit School of Dentistry (faculty, NOT student) I know she'll be the only one that can really tell me what I want to know, but I'm trying to get a ballpark timeframe.


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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#2 Post by Robot Teeth »

also, I'm not sure if this post is in the right place, or if it belongs in the Metal Mouth forum... (feel free to move it)

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#3 Post by Jensniffer »

When I had my impressions and records appointment I went back 2 weeks later to get my treatment plan, I decided that day which way I wanted to go with it and had my braces put on 2 weeks later :) Good luck!

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#4 Post by noveldevice »

It's going to depend. I had my consult in August, they did my records and impressions as soon as they could schedule me, which was in September, iirc. I had to have three teeth out and then wait at least three weeks from the extraction date to have brackets put on, and the oral surgeon couldn't get me in for a while. When all was said and done, I got my bonded brackets on December 9th and they started putting my molar bands on a few weeks after that.

Not having an extra set of impressions is unlikely to make any difference, I'm afraid.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#5 Post by drgnchsr36 »

Maybe my ortho is a bit strange, but I had it all done the day I got my top braces on. I couldn't start treatment until the new year since I had to up my dental insurance to cover orthodontia.



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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#6 Post by Faerie »

I had my impressions done on May 16 and braces went on 2 weeks later on May 31. The finances and records were handled at the consult appointment after I agreed to use them.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#7 Post by Rach44 »

I had my impressions, then my banding appointment was scheduled for six weeks later. My braces came in a week early so they moved up my appointment. Ultimately it was really only five weeks for me, but planned for six.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#8 Post by silentfilms »

10 days from impressions & x-rays to "brace day." Someone cancelled their appointment so I got them on more than a month early.

X-rays and impressions were a breeze. The impressions were a lot more pleasant than I remember them being in the mid 90s. They took a panoramic and a lateral ceph in addition to before photos of my teeth and face. Any other x-rays they needed were sent over from my dental office. That visit didn't last longer than 40 minutes. We also did all the financial/legal paperwork that day.

Brace day took about 90 minutes. I'm also fitted with individually placed In-Ovation R and C brackets - no brackets or bands on the upper or lower 2nd molars. The tech did the initial prep work, the orthodontist came over when she was through to do final placement and fixing.

Like you, I am very excited to have them on. I had them as a teen, didn't wear the retainers long and my teeth very quickly reverted back and over time became worse than what they were. I've been obsessing over information as well for many years now and to finally have them on is a relief.

Though to be honest, I do worry about tooth loss (I have gum recession and likely bone loss on the central and lateral incisors) and if I'll get the desired profile result without needing to have surgery.

Anyway, before I start rambling more than I am now, I have an adjustment appointment in 8 days. So to summarize, 10 days after xrays & impressions to get them on and 6 weeks to the first adjustment (which was my original "brace day" date).

Hope you find this (poorly written) information useful and good luck on your journey!

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#9 Post by Kipepeo »

Not sure my info would be helpful. From the day we decided to do braces and took the panoramic to banding day was 8 days. I was told they don't need to do impressions anymore because they use the panoramic x-ray. But I did have photos and lower impressions taken in March for my spring retainer we tried prior to braces. I didn't have an upper impression taken at all. Also, since we are only interested in aligning the front lower 6, there was no need for spacers, extractions, etc.

My story is somewhat convoluted because we were trying one method initially that failed, and then later decided on braces. But I would say 8 days for me.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#10 Post by 200books »

It was exactly four weeks for me. On the first visit, they took the impressions and x-rays. I went back the next week to discuss exactly what needed to be done. He needed to decide if I would need four extractions. After looking at the pics and impression, I didn't have to. Yeah! I went the next week to have spacers. They couldn't get then in and ortho was out of town so I had to go back the following Monday to have the spacers put in. I got my braces on that Thursday.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#11 Post by Wendymoon »

It was three weeks for me after my impressions.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#12 Post by Julia221 »

I had my initial consult with the orthodontist on May 11th, and had spacers put in the same day. I went back May 18th for impressions and band fittings. Then I was officially braced top and bottom on May 25th. Two weeks from initial consult to brace day. Even my regular dentist thought that was quick!
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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#13 Post by mnmetalmouth »

My initial consult was April 26th. I got several teeth removed on May 17th and braced on June 16th. It could have been sooner, but I was in too much pain after the tooth removal to get braces right away so I chose to wait.

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#14 Post by microbrew »

New to the site here and thought this was a good way to start posting. I also went the dental/university route and it has mostly been a waiting game on my own part. I went for a consult in early Feburary where i was accepted as a patient and waited four full months to finally decide on putting a down payment to get everything started. Early June i put a deposit to initiate treatment and a few weeks later they called to schedule a records/impression appointment. I should mention that i go to this same dental school for cleanings and had a filling done about a year and a half ago. I guess they are somewhat familiar with me!

Anyways, long story short, July 7th was impressions and two weeks later the 21st was just a general consult to get everything sorted(kind of braces, length of treatment, etc.) kind of a q&a, of which i now realize i asked way too little questions. Brace day is scheduled for Aug 3 so it was surprisingly quick i thought, about 4 weeks for me from imressions until brace day!

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Re: How long from records/impressions until "brace day"?

#15 Post by phuongie »

From the initial consult day to the day of getting my braces, three days! It was so fast I was like "Wow, already?!"
The consult day was July 24th, she did a quick check up of my teeth, then we went to talk about the paper work, the pricing and what the financial commitment will be like, what kind of braces I wanted, and went over some forms to sign. I was a new patient as well. She then did x-rays of my jaw, took a few pictures that are going into my file and we did the teeth moulds and I was finished. The whole consult took about an hour since we were there early in the morning at 9 AM. On brace day, which was July 27th, of getting my brace so my wait time was about thirty minutes and putting the braces in took another thirty minutes! I didn't need any extractions of any kind. I got my upper and lower rows done.

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