Nearly a year into it

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Posts: 21
Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 11:11 am

Nearly a year into it

#1 Post by mcvicker »

Hi. I really wonder why there are so many whiners in this world. Perhaps I have an abnormally high threshold of pain, perhaps I can see that spending 10k on yourself makes you better off than buying a new car every few years.
I'm 26, and finally got braces last year after being told I needed them at age 13 and neglecting everything out of fear. I have learned that fear has no place in this world. There are four crucial criteria for any undertaking:
1) That you're very good at it
2) That you enjoy it
3) That is it financially beneficial
4) That it is healthy
Read that list agin. Getting braces fits every one of those points at the point in your life when you're ready to take care of them. You will learn better hygeine, you will enjoy the compliments you recieve, you will save money since you'll have fewer problems later in your life, and it is absolutely healthy.
Now go fit those 4 characteristics in every other activity of your life. Do they meet all four? If not stop doing it; or make absolutely certain that you want to diminish the quality of your life.
What's the point of living if you're not happy with what you do? Change yourself and in doing so you will change the world. Stop complaining!
And on the side, if there's a woman out there who agrees with me, please come be my wife, it's time that I find one.
Thank you for reading part of my daily rantings.
au revoir
Starting date: Aug 12, 2004
Completion date: July 2007.
Assessment: Best thing I've done for myself so far.
Dr: Bert Kelling
Location: Raleigh

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