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New here!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:33 pm
by phuongie
Hi everyone!

I'm 19 years old and I just got my braces, I got them in on July 27th, it's been two days and so far so good. I've always wanted straight teeth and I have crowding. So far I've experienced little pain and I'm happy though that it hasn't been bad for me. I still can't chew and my teeth are still sensitive, I'm stuck to soft foods!

My estimated time is about two years so I'm hoping I get it off before I graduate university and I can show off my pearly whites at graduation!

Re: New here!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:40 pm
by klobird
Welcome Phu!! Yep, a lot of us got the 2yr sentence!! So, all of us are going to be posting our debonding dates at the same time!!! And then there will be me---who has had braces for 3 months and can't see a d*mn thing happening--ya, I'm striving for the 4yr mark.... :crazy:

How are you doing now that a few days have gone by---you should start to notice that it is getting better as far as eating fairly quickly, although it is sooooo awkward at first....

And ya, keep with the ortho's instructions to a "T" and I bet you will have those pesky little things off by graduation!

Re: New here!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:49 pm
by QueenElizabeth
phuongie wrote:My estimated time is about two years so I'm hoping I get it off before I graduate university and I can show off my pearly whites at graduation!
Welcome! Welcome!
I'm hoping for the same thing. I want to graduate and get married with pearly whites!! :dance:
klobird wrote:Yep, a lot of us got the 2yr sentence!! So, all of us are going to be posting our debonding dates at the same time!!!
That's going to be awesome!! :mrgreen:

Re: New here!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:18 pm
by phuongie
klobird wrote:Welcome Phu!! Yep, a lot of us got the 2yr sentence!! So, all of us are going to be posting our debonding dates at the same time!!! And then there will be me---who has had braces for 3 months and can't see a d*mn thing happening--ya, I'm striving for the 4yr mark.... :crazy:

How are you doing now that a few days have gone by---you should start to notice that it is getting better as far as eating fairly quickly, although it is sooooo awkward at first....

And ya, keep with the ortho's instructions to a "T" and I bet you will have those pesky little things off by graduation!
QueenElizabeth wrote:
phuongie wrote:My estimated time is about two years so I'm hoping I get it off before I graduate university and I can show off my pearly whites at graduation!
Welcome! Welcome!
I'm hoping for the same thing. I want to graduate and get married with pearly whites!! :dance:
klobird wrote:Yep, a lot of us got the 2yr sentence!! So, all of us are going to be posting our debonding dates at the same time!!!
That's going to be awesome!! :mrgreen:
Thank you both for the welcome! :)

Both of my cousins got a two year sentence too, one of them might get it off ealrier than the other. Right now, it's the 5th day, I'm doing good! Flossing has become a lot easier, I don't need to use the threader as much, I use my Crest Spinbrush, I'll be picking up an Oral B series (probably the newest brush) from my cousins' dentist in September. I still feel a bit sensitivity when I chew so I use my molars to chew sometimes! I'm also contemplating a WaterPik.

My boyfriend thinks I'm being too thorough but you have to be because you never know. He wore braces for two years and he's currently wearing a permanent retainer.

I've been flossing at least twice a day, once after lunch and once before bed. It gets hard when the cement gets in the way a bit and crowded teeth are hard to floss! I brush three times a day, before breakfast, after lunch, before bed. Mouth wash is twice a day, morning and nights. I use the proxy brush in the morning after taking off the wax, after lunch and after dinner/before bed so the proxy brush is used about four times a day.

Re: New here!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:39 pm
by klobird
OK Phu--you win!!

I thought I was obsessed with teeth cleaning but whoaaaa--you are really working hard at it!!

I have a 7 step program at night--waterpik (would not go without it!!)--floss--proxabrush--brush--mouthwash--wax--elastics.

After every time I eat, I rinse, brush, mouthwash, wax and elastics. And I drink almost all liquids with a straw.

What's really weird is that after 3 months, I can't imagine why I didn't always brush after eating before I had braces!

Re: New here!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:00 pm
by phuongie
klobird wrote:OK Phu--you win!!

I thought I was obsessed with teeth cleaning but whoaaaa--you are really working hard at it!!

I have a 7 step program at night--waterpik (would not go without it!!)--floss--proxabrush--brush--mouthwash--wax--elastics.

After every time I eat, I rinse, brush, mouthwash, wax and elastics. And I drink almost all liquids with a straw.

What's really weird is that after 3 months, I can't imagine why I didn't always brush after eating before I had braces!
Haha, thanks! I hope I'm doing a good job.

Definitely! I want to make sure they're clean and I can impress my ortho at my first adjustment. I know I always brush after lunch though, except for today since I was out, so I did a quick rinse and headed out with my mom. I haven't had the need for wax a lot, last night I slept with out and I was actually okay, no canker sores yet so I think the mouth wash keeps it away.

Whenever I eat it's the almost the same thing: rinse out with water, proxy brush, rinse mouth, floss, rinse, brush teeth, rinse, tongue cleaner, rinse.
Nights is similar: rinse with water, proxy brush, rinse, floss, rinse with water, brush for 2-3 minutes, rinse, mouth wash, wait for a bit and wax (if I really need it)

For some reason I tend to rinse my mouth a lot more than normal just to get the extra things out in case they didn't come out properly.

I didn't think I was so obsessive but I am keeping my teeth clean and healthy and I hope I'm not over-brushing or over doing anything. My ortho didn't give me elastics so I don't think I'm in need of them (yet or so). I'll be sure to confirm next month.

My mom wants me to stick to soft foods for the most part of the treatment process, which is absolutely no problem since I'll always have something different, I'm so glad she's a good cook. She was thinking of me this morning when she made lunch. She wanted to make other food but she didn't want to make two separate meals, one for me and one for everyone else.

I'm starting to be able to chew slowly but I could still only use my molars.

I feel the same way, I never though to brush my teeth after meals before I had braces, I guess things change when the braces come along.

Re: New here!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:18 am
by ashesgap
phuongie wrote:
For some reason I tend to rinse my mouth a lot more than normal just to get the extra things out in case they didn't come out properly.
I promise if you get a WaterPik or something similar you'll be rinsing way less. They clean everything out and make things much easier. Also when your gums are sore or itchy feeling the water spray feels sooooo good.
They do have a cordless WaterPik that you can take to work, a lot of people on here really love them.
Congrats on getting braces!

Re: New here!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:50 am
by phuongie
ashesgap wrote:
phuongie wrote:
For some reason I tend to rinse my mouth a lot more than normal just to get the extra things out in case they didn't come out properly.
I promise if you get a WaterPik or something similar you'll be rinsing way less. They clean everything out and make things much easier. Also when your gums are sore or itchy feeling the water spray feels sooooo good.
They do have a cordless WaterPik that you can take to work, a lot of people on here really love them.
Congrats on getting braces!
Thanks for the input! I'll definitely pick one up on the weekend or so. I probably won't be needing a cordless one since I'll be going to university and staying at home for most of the school year. And thank you, it's almost been one week :)

Re: New here!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:40 pm
by iamtamnur
Hi there, sounds like we got braced around the same time. My teeth have hurt a fair amount but I'm older than you...old enough to be your son turns 19 in November! :wink: Looks like we're on this journey together since mine are scheduled for two years as well.

Re: New here!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:11 pm
by phuongie
iamtamnur wrote:Hi there, sounds like we got braced around the same time. My teeth have hurt a fair amount but I'm older than you...old enough to be your son turns 19 in November! :wink: Looks like we're on this journey together since mine are scheduled for two years as well.
Congrats on getting braced! I think so too, it's officially 7 days today. I actually turn 20 by December and you are close to my mom's age, she's a little bit younger though :). I guess I was one of the few that didn't have too much pain, my cousins told me that theirs hurt but for me, I felt actually okay, it wasn't excruciating or made me want to take painkillers. Hope you're dealing with it alright! Yogurt/cold foods like soft ice cream makes your teeth feel so much better. My mom warned me that after the first adjustment it might hurt a bit more than the first time of them putting it on, I guess I have to wait 24 days to find out! Aug 27th is the first adjustment.

Re: New here!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:41 pm
by Bron
Congrats on getting started. I'm close to your date aswell, I got braced on the 19th of July. (It's my one month braceaversiary today) :)

Good to hear you haven't had too much pain. I was seriously worried about being in agony all the time aswell, but really other than having a few sensitive teeth and chewing being made awkward, It's really not that bad! :lol:

Good luck with your 2 year sentence also! (Sounds like we are all in the same boat)!

Re: New here!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:52 pm
by phuongie
Bron wrote:Congrats on getting started. I'm close to your date aswell, I got braced on the 19th of July. (It's my one month braceaversiary today) :)

Good to hear you haven't had too much pain. I was seriously worried about being in agony all the time aswell, but really other than having a few sensitive teeth and chewing being made awkward, It's really not that bad! :lol:

Good luck with your 2 year sentence also! (Sounds like we are all in the same boat)!
Oh I just noticed this! Thank you! Good luck to you too! I'm one day away from my one month actually, I got an adjustment done earlier because my cousins wanted me to go with them so I went a little bit of 3 days (August 21st) shy of exactly 4 weeks (August 24th was suppose to be my adjustment date).

My orthodontist just changed my ligatures and didn't tighten it I think, but she said that my teeth moved enough to put a ligature around the bracket fully since there was one where she had to put it half way. It's 4 weeks now and I've seen movement! :)

My teeth are sore when I floss but it's getting better and I'm used to it now. I still can't chew with my front teeth, it feels awkward so I have to chew with my molars and I always end up chewing on my left side instead haha

Re: New here!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:08 am
by RubyWednesday
Congrats on seeing movement, you must be very pleased.

Good luck with the rest of your treatment.. :wink:

Re: New here!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:44 am
by Miagee
Its so great to hear everyone is getting results so quickly and isn't experiencing too much pain-

I too a in for a 2 year sentence- getting braces tomorrow- i hope i'm as lucky as you with the pain!

I look forward to seeing how everyone goes in the next few months! :)