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Braces for my spaces

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:21 am
by Bec There
Hi All,

I'm joining the braces bandwagon and thought I'd document it all, as personally I think it's great to see other people going through similar journeys. It's kind of inspiring. :)

So a little bit about me. I'm 26 and I'm blessed with spacey top front teeth. Um, lucky me eh. Dentists when I was younger, suggested braces and then talked my Mum out of it, suggesting also that the spaces 'might' close up by themselves (wishful thinking eh!). Needless to say that they didn't and I just wished we went ahead and got them anyways! I got the impression my mother didn't want to pay for them, as all the times in the next decade that I bought it up, I got little to no response or support.

So now, I'm in a position where I can pay for them myself and I'm going to do it. I haven't told anyone yet, since I'm sick of everyone trying to talk me out of it. Apparently having gappy teeth is beautiful, they keep saying, but since they don't personally have ugly smiles, I dont think they're in any position to say that! Haha.

Basically, in my life right now I feel that I'm rediculously happy with how everything is, and where I'm at. But not happy enough to smile about it seems :?
And that's all I'd like, to smile, and not feel self consious. To laugh out loud without caring when someone says something funny! To not get sickly nervous when I'm meeting new people. So thats it. It brings me to where I am today.

I found the hardest part was actually making the first appointment for the referral. But now I just can't wait to get started!

If anyone has had a similar journey, with spaces etc, I'd love to hear how long it took to close them up, etc, whether they did that straight away. And how long after your consult, did you actually get the braces?

Thanks for your time! I will post pics as SOON as I figure out how :)

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:55 am
by BracedSurgeryStudent
I did not start out with spaces, although my ortho made very very minute ones to make room so she did not have to extract. I went to the last consultation on June 30th and got braces on Sept 8th, mainly because I had to go for surgery consults.

POwerchains should do the trick on the spaces. ;)

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:05 am
by Bec There
I can't tell you how excited I am to get them! I've heard the stories, and I don't care how much they hurt! :)

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:15 am
by BracedSurgeryStudent
Hey I felt the same exact way. In plus I've only experienced like 4 days of "I can't take it" pain. But I told myself it was worth it and got through it. I talked to my orthodontist about my braces and she said "You're going to miss them when you get them off arent you?" I said told her "you know it. But my smile will probably end up so awesome that I won't LOL"

Have you made any appointments yet to get your braces on yet?

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:28 am
by Bec There
Well I took the plunge and made an appointment for the regular dentist checkup at the beginning of December to get a referral for an orthodontist. Plus, it had been a while since I'd seen a dentist, mainly from embarrassment of someone staring at my teeth. :?

So from that I got a consultation with an Ortho, but he travels between the city and here, so my appointment with him will be Feb 7th. It's not really that far away but it feels like it because, since making the decision I just want them on now, in case I change my mind or something!

I'm just hoping that after my initial consult, that it wont take too long for him to get organised to put them on. I'm even prepared to go see him in the city if it'll speed things up!

Do you know what they do on the initial consultation?

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:02 pm
by BracedSurgeryStudent
That's excellent :) I had to go to the dentist also before my ortho would put my braces on. I hadnt been in 3 years. Mainly because Im freaked out I have a phobia of dentists (general dentists and periodontists, which is who usually checks where I go). Like I literally tremble when they come in. And the stuff they use to clean the teeth tastes WRONG! and NASTY.

My ortho only has one office. But it is hard for me sometimes because I travel far (three hours) to get to her office. i felt the same way the day I called the office to make the appointment was August 11th and when Kathy told me September I wanted to cry and I just wanted them on asap soooooo badly.

Now that's dedication. I went there on Dec 1st and some parent and I was talking to Kathy and I told the mom I traveled 3 hours and the lady said "Now that is PURE Dedication."

This is what my orthodontist does:
INitial consult: examined the patient's mouth and its functions and took photographs.
Second Visit: X rays and impressions
~For me she combined the first two appointments in one~
Next Visit/Final Consultation: Showed models of patients teeth to the patient, explained what was wrong, what was going to be fixed and how. Broke down the entire treatment plan, costs, types of braces, how long the treatment would take. At the end of this visit the treatment/insurance person in the office may sit with you and help you to use your mxaimum insurance (if any) and you can set up how much you plan to pay monthly and what the deposit is if any.
From here you would set up the next appointment or series of appointments dependant upon what you get. For a herbst I would be 4 appointments you would make them all at once and get different things done at each. For tradition braces with Molar Bands would be two appointments; spacers then braces. For Braces not requiring the use of Molar Bands it would be one appointment.

For me; I was supposed to get the herbst in on sept 6,8,20,22 but the office called me on Sept 6th befofre my appointment and said "The Dr looked at your case and doesnt think that a herbst will be necessary we're going to be giving you full braces on the 8th." People are telling me my rubber bands(elastics) are working but I just can't see it. LOL I look at my teeth wayyyy too much.

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:52 am
by Bec There
Yeah I can totally relate with the dentist. Although when I finally got there, it turns out I knew the Dentist kinda, he is a regular customer where I work, and he's pretty cheery and friendly, so I was immediately able to relax! Thank goodness!

Nobody mentioned to me about getting my teeth cleaned/whitened before braces, but I've seen it mentioned. Is that something I'm meant to organise for myself?

I live 4 and a half hours from my Ortho's other office so I hope for my sake he comes to my town pretty often, or this treatment will get rather expensive :?

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:14 am
by BracedSurgeryStudent
That's awesome.

Yes, I had to organize my appointment myself.And I had to have them get in touch with my ortho to let her know how it went.

Wow that's even further than I live.

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:58 am
by Bec There
Okay, so I've finally figured out how to upload pictures! Yay :D
This is me before braces.
By becthere at 2011-12-27
By becthere at 2011-12-27
I want to close up all those spaces! Fast!
By becthere at 2011-12-27
By becthere at 2011-12-27

Hopefully soon I can post some more photos with braces on! Now wouldn't that be nice! haha

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:36 am
by BracedSurgeryStudent
oh wow other than the spaces I would say your teeth pare practically perfect, shouldnt be too long before those close up easy. Powerchains should do the trick.

I bet you cannot wait to get the braces. That is exactly how i FELT. I still feel that excited even with them already on :)

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:25 am
by Bec There
Thanks for your positivity! You have no idea how much I need to hear positive thoughts! haha. Yes I'm super excited, just over a month til my appointment, and that will probably fly by!

Can you help me with an ortho question by any chance? I was wondering how much it costs for these initial consultations before braces, or are they included in the total treatment cost price that they'll give me? Just trying to be prepared! Thanks :)

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:41 am
by BracedSurgeryStudent
You're very welcome.

The vert first/intial consultation is free. The records like the impressions and the x rays are not. I did not have to pay for anything because my orthodontist and her staffmade my case a "Professional courtesy" of the office. But she said even the records were free for me so I assume that normally people pay for them.

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:12 pm
by nessness
You have some beautiful gnashers there! They're just gonna be stunning after braces :wink:

I had quite a bit of spaces between my 4 front teeth and that's one of the fastest parts of the treatment I've seen thus far. Closed up really quickly. Part that took long for me was my impacted canine to come down, but spaces will be a breeze for you.

With teeth like that I highly doubt you'll have a long sentence, so if it's something you want then go for it. If it will make you happier then do so, live life how you want to live it! I think you'll feel overwhelmed when you see the changes these little things can make, and time flies so fast you'll be out of them...chances are you might even miss them :lol:

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:49 pm
by Bec There
Naww, thanks for the compliments guys! It's quite a relief to know that spaces close quickly, that's the best news! :) Just under a month til my appointment, and I'm saving $$ like crazy. I think this will be an investment worth getting into a slight debt for! I CAN'T WAIT!


I'd love to see your progress, do you have pics posted?

Re: Braces for my spaces

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:51 pm
by nessness
I'll post my progress once they're off. I don't have any photos of before, no smiles in anything... I was that ashamed! But my ortho does. I'll do a little before and after then