Braced on 1.5.12
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:26 pm
Hey everyone,
I'm Lynn from MN. 23. Just had all 4 of my first bicuspids removed the afternoon of 1.4.12. My ceramic uppers and metal lowers went on the morning of 1.5.12. Since getting the braces on, I have been in a continual state of, since getting the spacers in on 12.14.11. Please tell me it gets better because I cannot imagine 2 years of continual pressure, canker sores, and a scraped up tongue!
I've always been uncomfortable with my smile as I have a crowded mouth and my canines stick out further and are more pointed than the average person. My parents were unable to afford braces because of very general dental insurance when I was growing up. I decided that now that I have a FT job, providing me with orthodontic benefits, it would be a great time to get braces. Not to mention, that my boyfriend and I are hoping to be engaged in the next year, with a wedding to follow 2 years from now.
Any ideas on how to work with the pain and discomfort? I'm doing ibprofen and acetaminophen. Wax on my brackets. Orajel. Soft foods (pudding, apple sauce, soup, yogurt, etc). Ice packs. Nothing is helping enough...that and I have a low pain tolerance.
I'm Lynn from MN. 23. Just had all 4 of my first bicuspids removed the afternoon of 1.4.12. My ceramic uppers and metal lowers went on the morning of 1.5.12. Since getting the braces on, I have been in a continual state of, since getting the spacers in on 12.14.11. Please tell me it gets better because I cannot imagine 2 years of continual pressure, canker sores, and a scraped up tongue!
I've always been uncomfortable with my smile as I have a crowded mouth and my canines stick out further and are more pointed than the average person. My parents were unable to afford braces because of very general dental insurance when I was growing up. I decided that now that I have a FT job, providing me with orthodontic benefits, it would be a great time to get braces. Not to mention, that my boyfriend and I are hoping to be engaged in the next year, with a wedding to follow 2 years from now.
Any ideas on how to work with the pain and discomfort? I'm doing ibprofen and acetaminophen. Wax on my brackets. Orajel. Soft foods (pudding, apple sauce, soup, yogurt, etc). Ice packs. Nothing is helping enough...that and I have a low pain tolerance.