Had braces put back on.

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Had braces put back on.

#1 Post by Mark1988 »

Hi my names Mark, I am 22 and wore braces from age 12 to nearly 16, however who never wore his retainers, so after nearly 8 year, got my new braces 2 days ago, and Just hate them right now, there so tight, but I know it was my fault, so for everyone else please wear your retainers
For me it was such a long time at that age, I Just hated evert second of those braces, and Just thought it wouldn't matter about retainers, how wrong was I would like to keep you updated, so thought I would Just say hello.

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Re: Had braces put back on.

#2 Post by Gravecat »

Thanks for the tip. I will be sure and wear my retainer once these braces are off. So sorry to hear that you are having to wear them...again! Ugh. I am a middle-aged adult woman and this is my first time in braces and OH THE PAIN! I had them put on 3 days ago and am very new to all of this. I had absoultely no idea the amount of pain and facial swelling this would bring on.

I know it will be worth it in the end, but boy am I suffering right now. My face, I feel, looks huge from the swelling and the wax only goes to far. Up at 4:30 am because of the pain. Couldn't take it anymore. When you sleep on your pillow, your mouth is compressed and a mouth already in pain compressed on a pillow makes it worse. I got up and shoved rolled up cotton between my braces and cheeks. Helped a little.

I do not want to go through this again so that retainer will be ON! :-)

Thanks for posting your advice. I will heed it well!

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