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To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:34 am
by rfk430rfo

I joined this site yesterday hoping to find some useful info regarding braces. I am 34 and have a severe overjet, should of had treatment when i was younger but found the whole situation stressfull and I was not ready. Really regretting the decision i made back then.

So do i start again now, went to an orthodonist this week to see what it would involve and to find out the cost. Not sure what to do so hopefully I may get answers on here :)

Speak soon

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:51 pm
by Tobilei
Hi :) What is it you want to know exactly?

Definitely worth getting a couple of opinions (at least 2) just to see how the treatment options differ and who you're most comfortable with. My daughter is about to get her braces off in a couple of months after having treatment for an overjet. It's amazing the change she's had.

Congrats on making the decision and welcome to the board :)

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:45 am
by SunshineRay
Hi and welcome! I just got braced on Friday and Im 38. Its a big step but straight teeth will be great!

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:53 pm
by Confused123
Do what makes you happy. You deserve to be happy and confident with your smile.

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:03 pm
by chloespeaks
[quote="Tobilei"]Hi :) What is it you want to know exactly?

Definitely worth getting a couple of opinions (at least 2) just to see how the treatment options differ and who you're most comfortable with. My daughter is about to get her braces off in a couple of months after having treatment for an overjet. It's amazing the change she's had.

Congrats on making the decision and welcome to the board :)[/quote]

that is very good advice. i won't highjack this, but i didn't get a second opinion and although the idea makes perfect sense, i don't feel that comfortable with the whole process and am in the process of getting a second opinion even though i just got braced a month ago.

this is a great forum to hear about how to go through the process, but you won't really get any real information until you see an ortho or two.

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:10 am
by plugnickel69
Third and fourth opinions don't hurt either. You need to feel comfortable with your choice of orthodontists and with your treatment plan. It's amazing how many different options there are. Just please choose a certified ortho, not a dentist!

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:31 am
by SunshineRay
plugnickel69 wrote:Third and fourth opinions don't hurt either. You need to feel comfortable with your choice of orthodontists and with your treatment plan. It's amazing how many different options there are. Just please choose a certified ortho, not a dentist!
I learned the dentist/ortho thing from this board. I assumed that if they could do braces they were the same. My old dentist did braces, was one of the most expensive of my 6 consults and Ive heard so many horror stories about his practice since I decided not to get braces there.

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:09 am
by redwine
Do it, do it, do it! In a couple of years, you'll be a couple of years older. How your teeth look and feel then depends on what you do now.

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:03 am
by rfk430rfo
Thanks everyone, going to get another opinion so will keep you all posted.

I was told they could not completely reduce my over jet so I not sure if its worth it and was quoted 4500 so it a big decision to make
Speak soon x

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:32 am
by KLM1996
Good luck! :)

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:11 pm
by Calgal
I congratulate you on your choice to get braces! I think in the end you're going to be so happy that you did. I didn't get a 2nd opinion when I decided to get treatment, I had my kids teeth to look at when they were done and convinced that I'm in the right place. I also think cheaper isn't always necessarily better, but asking people who've been to different orhtos how they felt about that persons/staffs work is a good indication of what your result can be. All the best to you!

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:28 am
by Alee
I say go for it. I wish I would have got braces when I was younger too. Growing up my mom just couldn't afford it, she took me to an ortho when I was about 15 and told me if I really wanted them, she would get a second job, but my mom worked so hard for me already,came home from work in pain, and hardley got sleep, so I told her no, I can live with my teeth. When I was in my early 20's I decided to go for a consult, and the ortho was very rude, he told me my teeth would likely move back if I got braces and it'd just be a waste of time and money. So yrs later I took my daughter for a consult, and the ortho thought she was not ready for braces, still had too many baby teeth. I liked him a lot so I ask if I could get a consult, he told me as long as I wore my retainer after, my teeth would be fine. So I did it. I regretted until I noticed the first change, then I just couldn't stop imagining how pretty my smile would be when it was all said and done! My mom passed away just before last christmas, and that also made me realize life is short, do things while u can. Getting braces was just one of the many changes I've made since her death, I quit smoking (she died of lung cancer), I got a trampoline and started to jump everyday, lost so much weight doing that too! My mom always told me, you will learn to not regret the things you have done, but you will always regret the things you have not done!

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:25 pm
by mitcha15
Hello, I signed up here at archwired to get support/encouragement from fellow adults. I am 35yo, a wife and with one kid. After I celebrated my bday last month, me and my husband finally decided that I can have my teeth undergo for braces.

I'm so happy I found this forum and I'm inspired that there are more adult people who are willing and even more excited to have their teeth on braces.

After consulting two orthodontist, I push through with the second one because he will not let me use the headgear or even asking me to do the TAD which is I think hurts a lot as per the first one.

I have been reading blogs, forum and stories about braces. My goal is to have a better smile and proper cleaning of my teeth since its quite crowded and one of my lower incisor is potruding.

Good luck to us.... I will start my treatment this coming Friday. The first week will be the Separator :oops:

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:23 am
by SunshineRay
Hi and welcome! So you dont have to get TAD's? Mine hurt alot but most people say they dont.

Re: To Get Braces Or Not

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:15 am
by mitcha15
Hi shine...

No I didn't choose that treatment plan with Ortho 1... I find other orthodontist where I feel more comfortable and secure.

I just had my braces this afternoon... And my doctor asked me to wear the elastics on both sides when I sleep. Pain is still tolerable... I can go back to work tomorrow.

I still manage to eat pasta today provided I cut the pasta into tiny pieces and swallow it. I don't dare to chew for now maybe next week when I got use to having this metal in my mouth. :D good luck to us!