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can i remove the posts off my tracks ?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:18 am
by sore mouf
HI all

i am 34 and got a set of train tracks fitted to my top set of teeth a few days ago

the second from the end brackets have these small posts that i have seen are for the wee elestic bands but they annoy the hell out of me when i try to smile and such and i was wondering if i can snip the offending posts off ? (i only have tracks on the top set so i presumed the posts are not needed ?!)


Re: can i remove the posts off my tracks ?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:17 pm
by plugnickel69
Please do not try this. Chances are they will be needed during your treatment. You will probably break the bracket off if you try to snap them off. Try using some wax. In a short period of time you will no longer be aware of them. If you just can't take it, call your ortho. Orthodontics is not DIY.

Re: can i remove the posts off my tracks ?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:39 pm
by chichi
I agree. Please do NOT do this. You will almost certainly need them later in your treatment.

Re: can i remove the posts off my tracks ?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:28 am
by sore mouf
got an appointment to go see the torturer tommorow so will see what they say

wax does seem to be helping but the way they are mounted on the inscisors mean they stick out and catch my lip inside and out when i smile ..... will have to refrain from smiling for the foreseeable future

Re: can i remove the posts off my tracks ?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:57 am
by chichi
sore mouf wrote:wax does seem to be helping but the way they are mounted on the inscisors mean they stick out and catch my lip inside and out when i smile ..... will have to refrain from smiling for the foreseeable future
My lips sometimes get caught on them too, but I would never even consider trying to clip them off. You are new to braces and still need time to get used to them.

Re: can i remove the posts off my tracks ?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:00 am
by ljms
You've heard this before but I'll add my voice. NO!! Don't!

Initially, my lips got caught on those hooks as well. It lasted for two weeks. By then the teeth moved enough that my lips didn't catch anymore. Wax and patience are the answers.