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Newbie here as well....

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 3:01 pm
by Hash
Hi all, I am new to this forum just having recently found it and think its great. I am about to go reading everyone's story so here's mine so far..
I am 40, late to the braces journey but I have always hated my teeth, over crowding top and bottom so very crocked teeth! I had asked at aged 20 and 30 about getting teeth straightened but at those times there was no way I would wear braces! Vanity! So just ignored problem and carried on. When I hit 40 all of a sudden I realised I didn't care about wearing the braces but I hated the thought of hitting 50 with crooked teeth! Funny how we grow up :D
I have all 32 teeth and was very proud of the fact that I never had any teeth pulled but now I realise all these teeth don't fit! I always notice how one of the top teeth in particular stick out in any photos and am really looking forward to having a great smile!
Need to have 4 pulled , 2top 2 bottom and braces for 2 years, retainer 24/7 for 6 months then retainer nightly for life. My orthodox has also said in about four months I will need 2screws ( think they called tads) in top gum to pull front line back, I really nervous about this so if anyone can't help me on that I would appreciate it!
So far I have bottom 2pulled and have had braces on for 5 weeks. I can't really see any movement yet and although I know it's early days yet, I have read that some people notice moving early so I am a bit disappointed :-(
So anyway I am off to read some more stories. Thanks for listening,!

Re: Newbie here as well....

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:38 pm
by lexieplexie
thanks for sharing. I'm hoping I dont need to have any teeth pulled. It freaks me out

Re: Newbie here as well....

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:44 pm
by Katieshh
Hello :-) I'm sure you will start seeing improvements really soon. Hope you have a speedy and painless journey :)

Re: Newbie here as well....

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:57 pm
by Hash
Thanks only seeing these replies now, had forgotten I posted in this section! I am still finding more sections on here every visit :D I have added my story so far and will add more pictures before my next app which is next Wednesday :D