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My teeth are slanted! What is wrong?!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:45 pm
by Melusine
OK, stupid question.

I have orthognathic surgery a few months ago. My midlines were perfect! Actually, the only issue we had was closing the bite on the right side.

Anyway, I've been super compliant with my elastics as I have found that I hurt when I am not complaint. Can you believe that it appears my teeth have completely slanted and my midlines are no longer the beautiful beast they used to be?

I'm so upset over this. What have I done? What has the doctor done? I have faith he can fix it, but dangit - I've been complaint and I have done everything right. Now my bottom teeth look a MESS.

Re: My teeth are slanted! What is wrong?!

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:19 pm
by rdecamps
it has ben months since this post... how is your midline nowadays.. is it better??

Re: My teeth are slanted! What is wrong?!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:55 pm
by Melusine
Midline is better - was at a point it was pretty much perfect, but then continued to change and is now off. I noticed the change from a good position to a bad position in as little as two weeks before an ortho appointment. I told my ortho and he said he wasn't worried about it but was impressed with my progress from an ortho standpoint. He said we will be moving to a phase where we will start tweaking things soon. So I'm trying not to worry about it now.

Re: My teeth are slanted! What is wrong?!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:03 pm
by rdecamps
that's is great to hear. all part of the journey, I guess. I have extractions done, no braces yet and even with just the extractions ive noticed changes in my face, not big changes but very subtle, I can only imagine once the braces go on.