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Braces time: 25yrs old, 1 impacted & labially erupted canine

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 2:37 am
by rachelb
Hey, everyone! :D I'm rachel, 25 years old, finally fed up with ignoring my teeth problems and decided to get braces.
I am getting damon clear braces installed on wednesday next week and I'm so excited!
I've gone through 4 extractions on thursday that I am still recovering from: my two baby canines and 2 wisdom teeth. This has left me with two unsightly gaps on my upper arch.
But I'm feeling positive about the whole situation and can't wait to start my treatment! :GapToothed:

Re: Braces time: 25yrs old, 1 impacted & labially erupted ca

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:47 pm
by stephcsun
Congrats on starting the process!! I also waited and finally decided to get these braces on 2 months ago, and I am already very used to them. During these 2 months they are already almost perfect, the results are fast...I'm sure yours will be faster since you are getting damon braces which move almost twice as fast as regular clear ones.

Stay positive and don't get discouraged...the discomfort and pain will lessen with time and the results are very worth it!!

best of luck!

Re: Braces time: 25yrs old, 1 impacted & labially erupted canine

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:38 am
by rachelb
Thank you Steph! It's really good to know there is a community of people who know what you're going through and can give you advice! :heart:
Good luck on your brace journey as well!