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Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:07 pm
by ZariasMommi
Hi! I'm new. :-1 I'm 30 and got braces last month. I'm excited and nervous. I got 4 teeth pulled (bicuspids??) and just got some awesome coilsprings put in. I look crazy LOL but I'm hoping for awesome noticeable results soon! :tingrin:

Re: Hi

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:32 pm
by cdmoses6
Awesome! Welcome!!! :D I felt like I looked pretty crazy at first too. It's really easy to see how crooked your teeth are when the wire is zig-zagging everywhere lol Your teeth will start to straighten out in no time, and then things will look better! Congrats on getting started and hope your journey is awesome!! :flowerbloom:

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:50 pm
by 30yearoldbraceface
Hi ZariasMommi! I am also 30 and got my braces put on in April -also had 4 extractions too! Seems we are on a somewhat similar journey hehe, cant wait to see your pics and track your progress :D YAY to us, straight teeth here we come :D hehe

Re: Hi

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:53 pm
by lazarus
Ooh, I'm also going to have to get some bicuspids pulled at some point in the near future. What was it like after the extraction? I've never had an adult tooth pulled, so I'm curious about pain and aftercare.

Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:23 am
by 30yearoldbraceface
@lazarus - I was petrified of what the pain was going to be like, and it was all for nothing - technology has changed from how it used to be, they dont use big scary needles anymore to numb the pain - they put a little ball of what feels like a cotton ball on your gums and it melts and numbs your mouth, then only do they inject you (with a tiny device that looks nothing like a needle).... the pain afterwards was more of a discomfort than anything else and by the next day there was no discomfort at all! - I am a baby when it comes to pain, so it really isnt bad at all!

Just make sure you gently rinse your mouth with salt water many times a day and that you dont drink through a straw or eat/drink anything hot as it could dislodge the clot - dont have a hot shower or bath either - rather wait till the next evening or day after that - cool to luke warm only as the heat can make you bleed again, which isnt nice. Dont worry, it will be over quicker than you think and you will wonder why you even got nervous/worked up in the first place :)

Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:28 am
by lazarus
Thanks for the reassurance! I feel like I'm a tough cookie when it comes to pain normally, but anything mouth/teeth related squicks me out. :FeelSick: How long did it take for them to more or less heal up?

Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:09 pm
by 30yearoldbraceface
I was really diligent in keeping my mouth and gums clean (very gentle brushing around the extraction site and salt water rinsing) and I think they were completely healed over in about 3 weeks - the pain/discomfort was gone by the next day - its just the scab that I'm referring to regarding taking 3 weeks :) I think everyone heals differently too, so maybe yours would take quicker :)

Re: Hi

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:25 am
by ZariasMommi
Thank you CDmoses6 and 30YearoldBraceFace =)

@ Lazarus, I did experience much discomfort during the extractions…just pressure from the pulling. I felt some throbbing after the anesthesia wore off, but luckily I took meds after leaving the dentist’s office so I think that kept me from hurting too much. I didn’t get a lot of pain relief from his prescription (Tylenol w/ Codeine 3)…I felt a lot better taking 800mg of Advil (4 of the 200mg over the counter.) I got my teeth pulled on a Wednesday. The following couple of days were no biggie, I ate soft foods and lived on smoothies, however that Saturday I experienced a lot of swelling and pain….the paper they gave me that explained how to take care of my mouth mentioned icing my face for swelling, but since I felt good I didn’t use it. I’m thinking now I should have as a prevention method, because Saturday my cheeks were so puffy inwards that I kept biting my cheeks and those brackets are no joke!! I had to get some Orajel for canker sores to help heal the bites and relief the pain. I stayed home, took Advil and iced my face all of Saturday. Sunday I was still a little swollen so again I iced and took meds. Thankfully by Monday all was good. It has been 3 weeks now since my extractions and I have not had any other complications. A week later the orthodontist put power chains in my teeth to close the gaps…I thought it would hurt, but it actually felt good having that “tight” feeling between my teeth….it felt “natural.” (I know, it makes no sense haha) I hope I didn’t scare you with my experience, if anything what I hope you take out of this is to ice your cheeks a little in the days after just as a preventative measure. I’m sure icing a little a couple of hours a day after work should do the trick. That way you don’t spend icing ALL day like me 

Oh and about your healing question....I think I felt them healed by week 3 also ....

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:58 am
by teeebeee
ZariasMommi wrote:Thank you CDmoses6 and 30YearoldBraceFace =)

A week later the orthodontist put power chains in my teeth to close the gaps…I thought it would hurt, but it actually felt good having that “tight” feeling between my teeth….it felt “natural.” (I know, it makes no sense haha)

I know *exactly* what you mean. I like to feel the damn things working, too! :)

T xx

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:24 pm
by Handsdown
Hi :-1 I'm 33 and will be getting 4 extractions next month for braces in August! So nervous!!! But we just have to think about the end result! Congratulations on starting your journey :D

Re: Hi

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:37 pm
by ZariasMommi
It's what keeps me going handsdown!! :dance: haha

I'm glad i'm not alone teeebeee! :tingrin: