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34 yrs old, with 4 kids and I am the one that got braces...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:38 pm
by BraceFaceMommy81
Hello all!
I'm new to all of this....after waiting for 20 years, I took the plunge and finally got my braces!
The pain and embarrassment of how my teeth looked and felt made me feel terrible in every way imaginable.
Now, 2 days in, the slight pain is worth it! The worst part is the pain to the inside of my mouth. The pain in my teeth from the pressure is welcome! Pain equals progress!
Large space between front teeth and a severe overbite, front teeth sticking out...can't wait for it all to be fixed!

Re: 34 yrs old, with 4 kids and I am the one that got braces...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:28 am
by ZariasMommi
Hi BraceFaceMommy81! I'm a 30 year old mommy with braces too! It was my 30th bday present to myself. I have been wanting them since I was a teenager and I'm finally at a place where I can afford them. Hang in there! Your mouth will toughen up. If you are referring to the pain that comes from the brackets rubbing on your cheeks and the inside of your mouth that will go away eventually. It took me a month or two. They sell orajel for mouth sores. It seemed to help me for the sore spots in the back by my molars. I'm 8 months in and things are looking great already. I had a lot of crowding and needed 4 extractions. My ortho is guessing 12 more months. Welcome to the club!

P.S. Wax is your friend.