My first week in the "orthodontic club"!!
Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 10:36 am
Hello there!
I am new to this site and forum, and I want to share my braces journey so far! I have been wanting and needing braces since I was about 12 years old (maybe younger). Now I am 23 years old, and on Tuesday May 9, 2017, I was finally braced up! It had been a long time coming. The reason I need orthodontic treatment is because I have an overbite/overjet of my maxillary incisors, and there is a lot of spacing in my maxillary arch. I thought that I just needed braces on my top teeth, but it turns out I'm getting bottom brackets in July.
Even though I have been studying braces for as long as I can remember, getting them on was not as I expected. Of course it was painless, and even though it was just top brackets for me, it still took a handful of patience. And while I knew I would have pain, I thought I would be hurting from just my two buck teeth that needed the most work. WRONG. My whole mouth was sore. The top because of the wire moving my teeth in a more desirable arch, and my bottoms because they don't fit like a glove with my top teeth anymore due to the movement. So now I'm making contact with my molars in ways I was never able to do before. Talk about progress!
I will update soon, and post pics when I find out how to do so. Until then, keep smiling! I'm new, so I'm open to any questions you may have!!