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New to the forum. I just got ceramic braces, top and bottom arches 6 weeks ago. Had my ligatures changed once, but I'm noticing brown staining on my lower front teeth. Could this be from drinking/eating too soon after brushing? I know people who have had this problem (without braces) when they've used Corsodyl and eaten/drank too soon after using it.
Recommendations on the best toothpaste and mouthwash to use with braces in the U.K.?
I can't answer your question but wanted to chime in that I have noticed some brown staining as well, especially on tooth-colored fillings in my mouth. I have had my braces on for one month. The two things I've been doing different since getting braces:
1. No whitening toothpaste, per my orthodontist's tech. I had been using whitening toothpaste twice a day.
2. Anti-microbial mouth rinse to help in tartar prevention. I have since found out that this can cause staining, though the type I am using is supposed to be less problematic than some, as it contains CPC.
I am not happy with these brownish stains, and my teeth also look yellower than when I got braces on a month ago. I have ceramic brackets on the top six teeth and metal on the others.
I am considering going back to a gentle whitening toothpaste just once a day (and regular non-whitening the other 2-3 times I brush) and only using the mouth rinse once a day instead of twice. I am afraid if I continue as I am, I will have brighter white squares on my teeth under the brackets when I get them removed!
My orthodontist was quite adamant that I shouldn't use whitening toothpaste at all. I have had the same thoughts about maybe using it occasionally to try to prevent further brown staining.
I've been using a sensitive toothpaste (Colgate one), purely because my teeth were so sensitive after the braces were fitted, but now I\m wondering if this actually 'opens up the pores' on the teeth, to numb the sensitivity but in the process allows more staining to get in?
RubyMurphy wrote:I've been using a sensitive toothpaste (Colgate one), purely because my teeth were so sensitive after the braces were fitted, but now I\m wondering if this actually 'opens up the pores' on the teeth, to numb the sensitivity but in the process allows more staining to get in?
RubyMurphy wrote:My orthodontist was quite adamant that I shouldn't use whitening toothpaste at all. I have had the same thoughts about maybe using it occasionally to try to prevent further brown staining.
My understanding is that the reason they say this is so you won't end up with whiter teeth around where the brackets were when you get them off. But if your teeth were white when you get braces, then get yellow/brown during the braced time, wouldn't the opposite effect occur? That's why I am considering using the gentlest whitening toothpaste (Sensodyne makes one called "Gentle whitening") to try to keep the color the same as when I got braces. I don't want to go against their orders, but I am tempted!
Am on ceramic braces too. Sometimes the staining might be on your bands, and it might make your teeth look yellow, but it'll look white again after changing it!
Unfortunately this staining is on my teeth. I've had the staining on my bands too - this was much worse for the first 6 weeks when I was getting to grips with it! Much better on this 6 week cycle.
The brown staining on my lower teeth is similar to that when people use a mouthwash like Corsodyl, and then eat/drink within 30 minutes, causing staining
I get my gums professionally deep cleaned every three months due to a prior history of early stage gingivitis (now in remission for a number of years). They usually clean and polish my teeth at the same time using the high speed polisher gizmo typically used as the last step at a routine dental cleaning. I find it helps blast away at least some surface stains. Maybe - if your ortho is OK with it - you could pop into the dentist more often just for polishing? It wouldn't be covered by insurance but might be an option if you can't use whitening toothpaste with braces.