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New member intro.
I’m looking forward to browsing the forums and interacting!
And, BTW, I just started with Invisalign. Twenty-one attachments. Feels more like Hivizalign!
[quote=EmilyTravels post_id=503019 time=1530359505 user_id=30228]
21 attachments? Any reason you didn't go with regular clear brackets? Not criticizing, just curious!
Hi, Emily! When I signed up, the ortho made mention of attachments but not number and locations of them. Though somewhat disappointed by the conspicuity of attachments, I think that traditional brackets would tend to stand out a bit more than Invisalign with attachments. Maybe the five crowns I have complicated the process? Dunno.
How time flies...
Approaching the end of treatment after two+ years. Started with Hivizalign and, ultimately, made the change to traditional braces. Looks like they may come off in October. After that the dentist will address some minor issues. It's a nice feeling!
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