Post braces - Root Canals??

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Post braces - Root Canals??

#1 Post by Steph30 »

I was debraced around April 2019... and almost immediately after had extreme sensitivity in one part of my mouth.. its continually gotten worse and started causing extreme toothaches... Now dentist says I need a root canal in that tooth (Upper right, second molar) - 1300$ :roll:

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced any need for root canals after having braces off? Theres other spots in my mouth that are sore but this one requires attention now.. I fear there will be more to come.

Side note: I've also struggled immensely with my retainer and its still uncomfortable, causes headaches etc :cry: Theres still times when I question if the braces were worth it.. I have had nothing but discomfort and problems since they came off.. but I am happy with the cosmetic result.

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Re: Post braces - Root Canals??

#2 Post by djspeece »

The situation with your retainer should be discussed with your ortho -- I don't think it is normal to have that sort of discomfort this far out from debracing. You may want to consider another type of retainer, or at least be refitted for a new one. I hope you do not need a root canal, so perhaps that tooth can be saved -- but given your issues with the retainer, I have to wonder if the two may be connected (i.e., retainer issues & pain/sensitivity). Perhaps you should also consult with an endodontist. Best of luck to you.

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