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Hi Everyone
Just introducing myself, I’m 48 years old and about to start braces treatment in two weeks time. They are the Insignia brand metal brackets with ceramic upper front six brackets. I’m getting spacers put in next week for molar bands apparently and then I get fitted with the braces the following week.
My main reasons for seeking treatment are my terrible bite which has slowly gotten worse over the past ten years and drives me crazy plus just general straightening of moderately crowded teeth.
Seeking this treatment so late in life is a bit daunting to say the least, but i’ve already learnt a lot off this website and everyone in the forum and look forward to sharing “my journey” over the next year or so.
My rear teeth don’t meet together plus I’ve been told my teeth are class III on one side but class I on the other. It’s weird but the class I side is the one which feels correct. I’m not sure what the proposal is to fix this if at all. I have the spacers appointment tomorrow so I guess I’ll find out then.
Has anybody else on here had molar bands with Damon/Insignia braces? I’ve been online and can’t see any examples of it, only with traditional braces.